Daytime Running Lights


New member
Well I've made the jump, now a proud owner of an '07 FG. Woohoo:wings:. I'm currently in the process of importing from the US into Canada. Canadian regs say I must have Daytime Running Lights activated. Anyone know if it is a fuse box jumper or a mut-iii thing. If it is MUT3, anyone familiar with the section for the setting? The american dealer I am at is not familiar ( no DRLs here ). The '07 brochure says DRLs are a standard safety feature.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Well I've made the jump, now a proud owner of an '07 FG. Woohoo:wings:. I'm currently in the process of importing from the US into Canada. Canadian regs say I must have Daytime Running Lights activated. Anyone know if it is a fuse box jumper or a mut-iii thing. If it is MUT3, anyone familiar with the section for the setting? The american dealer I am at is not familiar ( no DRLs here ). The '07 brochure says DRLs are a standard safety feature.

Welcome to the club, but pictures or it didn't happen. :)

My '07 US spec FG has DRLs...


Crazy Person
The quick and dirty way to do this is to tap into a power wire off the ignition circuit, run that to a suitable relay and power the DRLs from there.
When the engine is on those lights will be too. :)


The quick and dirty way to do this is to tap into a power wire off the ignition circuit, run that to a suitable relay and power the DRLs from there.
When the engine is on those lights will be too. :)

and what owen failed to mention was run it through an isolation switch
because in some places your DRL's are supposed to go off when you turn your headlights on
plus it helps when you get law enforcement that dont know the law and want to fine you for having them on
"apologies officer, put your pen away ill turn them off now"

Lucky j

It does not have to have them when you get into canada. You will have about 1 month to have it inspected and make it up to date with canadian law. And the canadian truck shop will know how to fix this in a snap.

No worries!


New member
It does not have to have them when you get into canada. You will have about 1 month to have it inspected and make it up to date with canadian law. And the canadian truck shop will know how to fix this in a snap.

No worries!

Thank you for all the replies. After I cross into Canada I am going to try and get the import inspection, safety certificate, emissions test, ownership and licence all done in two days, was hoping to avoid one more stop to a fuso dealer in Canada. The fuso is currently at a great shop in Michigan, and am hoping to get all repairs done there before crossing the border. Home is 6 hours away, and has few heavy truck facilities.
Here's a pic:


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy

Looks good! Hopefully the DRL is simple. Check and make sure that someone hasn't just pulled the relay.



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