@Adrifters - F550 Surf Camper Build - Adrift Motorhome


S2DM- thanks, that's not bad because I don't need that much.
Idasho-if I was designing from scratch that's how I would make it. Basically a flange top and bottom that the upper section would seal against when up or down

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Copy that.

Sounds like you are sorting it out.

As you have found, bulb seals don't work so well "scrubbing"

Use them only as compression seals at full up and/or full down.

IMO, only whiskers should be doing the scrubbing.

Anything else will not only bind, but combined with dirt/grime will certainly do damage to the wall surface over time and use.


Here is the other thing I am currently considering. Its a UHMW tape backed with VHB (they use some sort of acrylic process that binds to the UHMW to get the VHB to stick).

It is conformable, and I used it in one other spot to solve another issue. If it were bonded to another substrate that was also conformable, like a 1" wide, .75" thick strip of neoprene, it would give a very non grabby surface that should stay tight to the wall.



Love the build thread. I've read it a couple times. I'm considering the Goodyear G275 for my build as well and wanted to thank you for posting how those worked for you. It's good to know I maybe cutting into the sub structure!

I was wondering how the F550 stopped when you installed the heavy tires. I know it has upgraded brakes but thats alot more rotational weight!


Love the build thread. I've read it a couple times. I'm considering the Goodyear G275 for my build as well and wanted to thank you for posting how those worked for you. It's good to know I maybe cutting into the sub structure!

I was wondering how the F550 stopped when you installed the heavy tires. I know it has upgraded brakes but thats alot more rotational weight!

Brakes wise, no problem, even with the camper and water. To my mind, the biggest reason to step up from 250/350/2500/3500 is to be under capacity on brakes and axles. So many guys drive around in rigs substantially overweight, and then try to take the same rigs off road. The dynamic loads in those scenarios scare me, so I wanted to be well under capacity.

One issue that is cropping up with the G275s with a few folks I know who have them. The sidewall is not as thick as that on the MPT81, which the standard hutchie beadlock is built for. I had a hell of a time balancing my first set until I discovered the bead lock was moving around while driving. It seems a solvable issue, and I like every other aspect of the goodyear better than the continental.
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Addicted to Gear Oil
Dynamic balancing. Centramatic discs, dynabeads, or airsoft BBs work really well for large beadlocked rims & tire combos.


Dynamic balancing. Centramatic discs, dynabeads, or airsoft BBs work really well for large beadlocked rims & tire combos.

I guess my concern if how well they work for dynamic imbalance, a bead lock that is constantly changing position. I tried centramatics and am not sure they helped much. If the beadlock is moving, it is also likely not reliably pinching the bead in position during air down maneuvers, so I am hoping to figure out a way to get them tight and stable first off.


Definitely no uneven tire wear yet. We have the slightest movement on anything but perfect roads. Not enough to make driving tiring or anything of that nature. On the trip to Expo east that we are starting next week Annie wants to do some of the driving so she will no doubt have some feedback for me as well.


Addicted to Gear Oil
I guess my concern if how well they work for dynamic imbalance, a bead lock that is constantly changing position. I tried centramatics and am not sure they helped much. If the beadlock is moving, it is also likely not reliably pinching the bead in position during air down maneuvers, so I am hoping to figure out a way to get them tight and stable first off.

Dynamic balancing does exactly that, every time the tire spins centripetal force evenly distributes the weights (Airsoft BBs, etc) to balance the tire. If the relationship between the beadlock ring and tire has changed then the beads/balance media/BBs will also change.

Sounds weird, but it works.


A mate of mine installed Centrmatics on a Dodge 2500 with 35" BFG M/T's and it rode quite well as a result. Tire life was also extened to about 60,000 miles, IIRC.


Scott, I am putting beads in mine tomorrow. I will let you know how they work out.

How are you adding them? My understanding with the Hutchie beadlock was that you had to split the rim to get them in?

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They are going to split the rim I am told. We'll see. I am going to get them to try it on the spare first so it doesn't disable us if they are wrong. We leave for Expo East in less than a week so I don't have time for them to be wrong, LOL.


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