Please help us spread the word!


Hello expo goers-

I am in the beginning stages of starting a 501(c)3 non profit organization. It is called "The Dirt Therapy Project"

I am doing this because mountain biking has helped me so much in dealing with life and post military issues that I want to share it with others.

Our mission at The Dirt Therapy Project is to help Veterans and their families manage stressors in life due to PTSD, Military Transitions, school, work or other life events. We aim to facilitate this through an introduction to Mountain Biking, fresh air, camaraderie and good ol’ fashioned PT.

I have set up a gofundme to help us raise capital for fees related to incorporating, filing with the IRS, building a website etc. This is a link to the fund raiser- My goal is to eventually raise enough to purchase 4 bikes, helmets, gloves, eye pro, etc for 4 riders so that all they have to do is show up and ride.

We are looking to purchase "Fat bikes" for several reasons- ability for all terrain, all weather, all year riding. No suspension to worry about (reduces maintenance cost) yet because of the ability to run at low PSI, remain comfortable for riders (and vets with knee/back etc issues). They will also fit perfect for the long term vision of "The Dirt Therapy Project" in that they facilitate "bike packing" IE load up the bikes with racks and all your camping gear, and ride out to the wilderness. I think it will be great. Each bike is roughly $2,000

bikes we are looking at
looking at the Salsa Mukluk

and the Salsa Beargrease


wanted to bring this up.

We are an official 501(c)(3) now, and have been able to purchase 4 fat bikes.

if you have any questions about our program, please reach out.


Expedition Leader
wanted to bring this up.

We are an official 501(c)(3) now, and have been able to purchase 4 fat bikes.

if you have any questions about our program, please reach out.
Sempertoy, QBP will be having the cycling community grant application cycle opening up on February 18, 2019. I think your organization may fit the bill and you should toss your hat in.

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