Trailscape's 06 Tundra


My understanding is that the stock cooler should not be bypassed as most aftermarket ones do not have enough cooling capacity. Stock its a water-to-trans fluid internal to the radiator with an optional extra one if you have the towing package if I remember correctly.

I am planning to add one of these inline.


I'm not planning on bypassing the radiator cooler. I only swapped the one in front of the condenser which I'll likely put back in addition to the newer one. I'll probably get a new radiator soon, just to check that box off.


OBDII Bluetooth Reader/Scanner: Amazon

Paired with Torque Pro App: Google Play Store

With the app running this PID (from
  • OBD2 Mode and PID: 21D9
  • Long Name: Transmission Fluid Temperature 1
  • Short Name: TFT 1
  • Minimum Value: 0.0
  • Maximum value: 220.0
  • Scale factor: x1
  • Unit Type: °F (there is a degree symbol in Torque)
  • Equation: ((((E*256)+F) * (7/100) – 400)/10)
  • OBD Header to use: left blank
I'm really not sure where this is reading from in my '05 because this PID was done for a 2005 Sequoia. It could be either the pan temp or the converter temp.
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Reactions: bkg


If this meter is reading correctly, I'm impressed. Finished installing another 100w panel, so I'm running 200w of solar.

Meter is reading 198.2w in full sunlight. The battery was running a bit low.


OBDII Bluetooth Reader/Scanner: Amazon

Paired with Torque Pro App: Google Play Store

With the app running this PID (from
I'm really not sure where this is reading from in my '05 because this PID was done for a 2005 Sequoia. It could be either the pan temp or the converter temp.

I've done the Scanguage hack for trans temp... And also run an Autometer trans gauge on the xtracab (mounted as close as I could get to the transmission "out" line. Fluid then goes to radiator and then external cooler...

ODB2 reading is typically higher than the gauge... but it's nice to have both.


I've done the Scanguage hack for trans temp... And also run an Autometer trans gauge on the xtracab (mounted as close as I could get to the transmission "out" line. Fluid then goes to radiator and then external cooler...

ODB2 reading is typically higher than the gauge... but it's nice to have both.
Do you have any idea where the ODB2 is reading from? Is it pan? Torque converter? I've read that some Sequoia guys have been able to get two different readings for both places, but I can't seem to get that to work.


Do you have any idea where the ODB2 is reading from? Is it pan? Torque converter? I've read that some Sequoia guys have been able to get two different readings for both places, but I can't seem to get that to work.

great question that I have no ability to answer, unfortunately!!!


Did you fab your own insert there? That looks great. I stick way too much junk on my center console tray....I'd probably accidentally flip all those switches. I have to keep mine out of the way.

Yeah. It's one I had originally molded into the overhead sunglass holder. Lots of epoxy resin and sanding. Fortunately, I usually only kept sunglasses there.


Both trans coolers installed. Thought I'd try out some stainless braided hose.. What a pain in the ass that stuff is.

Save yourself a headache too, always buy some good new clamps. Ideal brand work great.

I didn't put the fan back in place yet.

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