1986 GMC S-15


Love the truck. Love following ur experiences more. Nice to see the expeditions more than the preparations for expeditions. Keep it up, and thanks for sharing.

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What an epic thread. I love the truck, upgrades and adventures. I really want to get up to BC and do some exploring someday.

My dad had a tan 84 2wd regular cab that he bought brand new and daily drove until 2001. I love seeing these trucks getting some love.


Active member
The local junkyard was having a 50% off sale and I decided to grab another engine on a whim?


I don't really have a plan or a timeline at the moment. It was just a spur of the moment I'm not doing anything and this was a smoking deal.
I got the 3.4 lower end and 3400 top end for $106... Honestly this is just something to tinker with and build up and figure out really. Will probably throw it in the '86 eventually but for now the current 3.4 is running great. Pretty tough sell on the wife though, "yeah ummmm it's just a spare engine??"

I didn't expect to see this here! most guys elect to swap in a 4.3 or SBC, I admire the fact that you're keeping it a 60V6, you know the later blocks have roller cams too and a stronger bottom end. there might be issues with mounting though, I've only really messed with transverse application like my Fiero project.

overall, I dig your project, I've been thinking about picking one of these older S-series trucks up and doing something similar, except a little more lift and slightly bigger tires. there was one on Craigslist for $350 a while back that needed a clutch, it took a ton of restraint....


Just read the thread, surprised I didn't see it earlier. I've had a few of the s10's, those steering components don't last too long.
As for the light upgrade, I wonder if those LED truck light style sealed beam replacements are worth the money?

My present truck looks a lot like your old GMC, black truck, grey/silver topper. Other pics show a black topper. Did you repaint the topper yourself? What kind of paint did you use?

I've read a lot of bad reviews about those H4 led stock replacement housings. I wish a company like KC would offer a stock style replacement H4 light. They came on pretty much every single car and truck in the 80's so there must be some demand for the upgrade.

It's actually just 2 different toppers. I sold the white one when I found the black one. Paint/body work is definitely not my thing, sorry.

I love the build, but the experiences are my favorite part of this thread. It's so much better than reading a "money cannon" style build that never sees dirt. The thoughtful placement of upgrades really shines when we see how you use the truck.

I forget how much bulkier deer are in that area, awesome harvest!

Do you know how long your canoe is and how much it weighs by chance? I've always liked the durability of those, but I've not used them enough to have a feel for how unwieldy they are compared to a fiberglass one.

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Hands down buy an aluminium grummun. I grew up in these and have had a number of them myself now. They are super sturdy and so strong. My current one is 15' and roughly 35lbs, very manageable for one person. I used to have a 17' but I found it was just a little too long for two of us. Fiberglass are the same weight if not heavier and I find them to be quite tippy but that's just the typical design. The aluminum sportpals are ok but they are very thin and flex when you stand up. These grummans you can stand up and take a leak off the side comfortably without worrying about tipping.

I didn't expect to see this here! most guys elect to swap in a 4.3 or SBC, I admire the fact that you're keeping it a 60V6, you know the later blocks have roller cams too and a stronger bottom end. there might be issues with mounting though, I've only really messed with transverse application like my Fiero project.

overall, I dig your project, I've been thinking about picking one of these older S-series trucks up and doing something similar, except a little more lift and slightly bigger tires. there was one on Craigslist for $350 a while back that needed a clutch, it took a ton of restraint....

Thanks! I'm currently working on doing a hybrid 60v6 right now. It'll be another camaro rwd 3.4 iron block with the newer aluminum top end from a 3500. This way I can retain the stock motor mounts but benefit from the better flowing heads/intake and true mp fuel injection. Fiero eh? have a bit of a soft spot for those as well.

Thanks a lot for the good words guys. I got a bit done this week.
This is becoming an all to familiar sight. D/S cv this time.

I've had a humming noise at 80km/hr + for the last year and that is now fixed. Got to love a freebie fix.

New outer tie rod,

and an idler arm as well

Got the new daylighters mounted on the bumper, slightly pushed out off center so they don't block air flow to the rad.

Found a nice spot for the switch,


I'm really proud of how nice of a job I did on the installation. I even got a firewall rubber plug to run the wiring through and tucked everything away nicely.

We cut our deer yesterday and packaged it all away.

I got a day off this weekend so we hit the woods. This is the trucks new look.

First time we've ever harvested quail. Nicole sniped 4 of them with the .22 this afternoon.

Moments after this pic we almost filled nicoles buck tag as well. I completely missed a shot at 150ish yards a beautiful mature buck....

I friggin love days like these. We saw a few deer, 4 moose and a bunch of quail and grouse.

Really happy with the new lights. Here is a comparison, stock brights first

Kc's w/stock lights. The daylighters really brighten it up further away and also with a wider spread. I wish I had done this modification years ago. It took me a while to decide which route to go. I just don't think a light bar would have looked right on this truck.

These little guys are going to make a really nice dinner for us and some friends.\


Thanks for taking time to update this thread Andrew!! Love the KC's look! I have a pair of NOS rectangular Mopar lights that I will eventually put on the front of the Comanche. I still find it funny that you want MPI and I want TBI... Actually, we took the Comanche camping a few weekends ago and we had some serious conversation about putting a 2.8L CRD out of a Liberty into it.

As for upgrading the stock sealed beam lights, Hella makes some good ones but they're expensive, and IIRC you have to chop up the buckets. and you're still running them off the stock wiring, which doesn't give them much voltage. If you want a lot of improvement for a little $$, put your sealed beams on relays, and feed the relays right off the block on the firewall where the alternator ties in. Getting them ~14v instead of ~12 will really brighten them up. I've done this to several vehicles now, and the difference is quite noticeable. If your current seal beams are older, buy a new pair of Halogens and you'll be very happy with them.

If you want to go really easy, you can even buy an harness off Amazon or Ebay that's mostly plug and play, so no chopping up the stock harness. I went this route last time around, as the stock headlight wiring and connectors were pretty crusty looking.

Nice buck, too! I'm going Elk hunting this year. My first hunt since I was in college. (We won't discuss how long ago that was...)


Thanks for taking time to update this thread Andrew!! Love the KC's look! I have a pair of NOS rectangular Mopar lights that I will eventually put on the front of the Comanche. I still find it funny that you want MPI and I want TBI... Actually, we took the Comanche camping a few weekends ago and we had some serious conversation about putting a 2.8L CRD out of a Liberty into it.

As for upgrading the stock sealed beam lights, Hella makes some good ones but they're expensive, and IIRC you have to chop up the buckets. and you're still running them off the stock wiring, which doesn't give them much voltage. If you want a lot of improvement for a little $$, put your sealed beams on relays, and feed the relays right off the block on the firewall where the alternator ties in. Getting them ~14v instead of ~12 will really brighten them up. I've done this to several vehicles now, and the difference is quite noticeable. If your current seal beams are older, buy a new pair of Halogens and you'll be very happy with them.

If you want to go really easy, you can even buy an harness off Amazon or Ebay that's mostly plug and play, so no chopping up the stock harness. I went this route last time around, as the stock headlight wiring and connectors were pretty crusty looking.

Nice buck, too! I'm going Elk hunting this year. My first hunt since I was in college. (We won't discuss how long ago that was...)

Thanks! The diesel route would be so great for the hills. I'm not going to lie I've fantasized about the cummins repower but the price is just far too much for me when you're all said and done. I would also be concerned about the real cold starts when out in the bush. As far as mpfi, it just comes with the better heads/intake and there really isn't a different option. Running the gen 3 aluminum heads/intake bumps the hp up from 160-220, pretty much all I need.

I was debating going the hella sealed beam route. There still in my shopping cart on summit racing currently haha. I've been looking into the relay upgrade as well and will probably end up doing that one of these days, thanks for the great suggestions!
Good luck on your elk hunt! I've been watching videos of guys calling them in and its just unreal.

more of the same here,
Nicole went out one night by herself when I was working late and did pretty good.

I took the week off, so here are some pics from hunting/exploring some different areas.



We found this great campsite for hunting next winter. Overlooks the entire valley.

There are so many deer stacked up in this old burn area.

We've done a lot of hiking and have found so much fresh sign but have yet to connect with Nicole's buck yet.

Wouldn't want to get caught here in a windstorm.

We've been really lucky and have had a few nights like this now.

We've been finding moose beds everywhere. Hoping to find the unicorn spike/fork in a few days.

Lots of fresh sign too

Bonus! First fish through the ice!

Have to turn up the sound for this one.

another beautiful sunset


Every update I see, I want to load up and head up north.

Love the truck and the photos. Please keep them coming!


I saw this jem just tonight. It seemed to be in mint condition.

View attachment 547841

No rust.

View attachment 547842

Wow that looks mint!!

Thanks for the good words guys.

Had to fix something, been a minute. The antenna mount bent and the antenna was just flopping around. Had to straighten out the fender.

The cheap antenna mount that came with the aftermarket fender (left) wasn't designed for pushing through alders. Grabbed an OE from the junk yard.

Couple more outings and pics over the last month.

Been getting a ton of use out of the spotting scope.

Every once in a while you don't need it.

Couple more ice fishing days. Got to love fishing on crystal clear ice.

The colours on these brookies is so nice.



Still lots of small of game days.





We got a bit more snow.

Fresh tracks

Never caught up to this bear in 6" of snow.

This poor truck has taken a beating in the last two months.

Meanwhile hiking back in town it's beautiful.


Picked myself up a new toy for ice fishing.

Went for a day trip in the monashees. Check out these awesome looking mushrooms.

Found out later they are totally edible and like candy.

5 min walk down a trail and found this hidden gem.


for scale, me in the foreground

The goal was to find some pine mushrooms. We found a lot of other species.

Some fresh oisters

Then jackpot, check out the second one growing upside down.

Friggin beautiful area


The haul

prepping for dehydration


Ran into these rebels. 5 whiskey jacks with no fear at all.

Some more ice fishing


Some more friendly whiskey jacks

Dinner time.


Rarely serious
Canada is such a beautiful place.

Just curious what you are doing to keep the truck from rusting since you are using it in the snow?


Active member
Where are you in Canada? I recently took my truck through BC and YT, the landscape was beautiful, I wish I had more time to go further off the beaten path!


Jonathan Chouinard
I love your posts, thanks for sharing! I'm intrigued by your mushroom hunts. I love mushrooms, but the similarities between edible ones and poisonous would freak me out from eating wild mushrooms!

Keep up the great posts, and enjoy that truck!

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