What do you use for a truck gun?


Beach Bum
Added a Stabby McStabface to the seat panel. It rides on Desert Does It panel magnets and I used magnetic tape on the back side of the sheath.

I have my EDC with me all the time. wanting to build a truck gun, just havent had the time.
EDC as well, and I built my "truck" gun (and loaner when we go out with others) over the past 6-10 months. I had an Anderson lower I bought back in '16 that never got used. I got a mostly-complete upper for less than $120, picked up a BCG & charging handle, and a scrounged the 'net for the rest. Less than $400 in *this* economy.

Need to work out a storage solution and get a sling for it.

Oscar Mike Gulf Yankee

Well-known member
I don't shoot trucks so I don't have a real truck gun. My EDC is a 12 ga. pump with a pistol grip, slugs and 00 buck, on a sling under my left arm. My right sidearm is a S&W 9VE on my belt, left ankle holster has a pocket Ruger 9. My EDC knife is a WWII Navy Corpsman Bolo knife, it goes on a strap on my back just below my left shoulder. My 5.56 AR is in the floor in the back but I can carry it at the ready on my right side just above my handgun. Carry my ammo in a butt pack, I can sit on it when I get tired carrying my portable arsenal.
I don't shoot trucks so I don't have a real truck gun. My EDC is a 12 ga. pump with a pistol grip, slugs and 00 buck, on a sling under my left arm. My right sidearm is a S&W 9VE on my belt, left ankle holster has a pocket Ruger 9. My EDC knife is a WWII Navy Corpsman Bolo knife, it goes on a strap on my back just below my left shoulder. My 5.56 AR is in the floor in the back but I can carry it at the ready on my right side just above my handgun. Carry my ammo in a butt pack, I can sit on it when I get tired carrying my portable arsenal.

Well played…


The Strong, Silent Type
A question:

Lets I am driving, be it on state or interstate hiway and I have got legal firearms (shotguns, and a handgun) stored in my car.
I get pulled over, should go and say "hi officer I have got arms in my car" and hand him my state issue open cray ID or keep my mouth until I am asked.?
What is the safest and legal way handling situation like that?


Expedition Leader
A question:

Lets I am driving, be it on state or interstate hiway and I have got legal firearms (shotguns, and a handgun) stored in my car.
I get pulled over, should go and say "hi officer I have got arms in my car" and hand him my state issue open cray ID or keep my mouth until I am asked.?
What is the safest and legal way handling situation like that?
I been pulled over once while I was legally carrying. All I told him was that I have my CCW and I am armed, how would you like to proceed. He said thanks for letting me know don't reach for it and we will be fine and it carried on as a normal traffic stop.

The tough guys will say you don't need to tell the cop anything, which I guess you technically don't, but still smarter to do so.


The Strong, Silent Type
I have never been pulled over ( I never drive more than allowable speed).
But I always thought what I would do...

Somebody told me to handle him the gun license as I am handling him registration and rivers license and wait what he says.

Also they don't have a right to go through you car without a warrant right?


Well-known member
I have never been pulled over ( I never drive more than allowable speed).
But I always thought what I would do...

Somebody told me to handle him the gun license as I am handling him registration and rivers license and wait what he says.

Also they don't have a right to go through you car without a warrant right?
Police need your permission, a warrant or probable cause to search your car.
However, I am not a lawyer.
I have been pulled over once with a firearm in my truck in a state that I was legally allowed to, (Colorado). I said that there was a loaded firearm in my center console and that I had a license to carry and the police officer was almost dismissive saying, "thanks for telling me, do you know why I pulled you over?".
I was speeding btw.


Lets I am driving, be it on state or interstate hiway and I have got legal firearms (shotguns, and a handgun) stored in my car

Storing of firearms for transportation is covered under FOPA. This does not include stopping for extended times and some states really pay no credence to the law. They will arrest you and have you fight the arrest.

Firearm Owners Protection Act - Wikipedia

FOPA's Not Nearly Enough: HR 225 Would Protect Travelers With Firearms - The Truth About Guns

Police need your permission, a warrant or probable cause to search your car.

If your vehicle is towed, subsequent to an arrest or injury, they will inventory the vehicle.

It is up to the gun owner to know the difference between carrying, possession and transportation in each state. There are many sites that do a good job highlighting the differences but I would still delve further if I were to travel in states without constitutional carry for non-residents.

Also, magazine size and types of legal ammunition are of concern in certain states. Again, is the mag in the pistol/rifle or in the trunk, may or may not, have bearing on the situation.

Updated for 2021: Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States | An Official Journal Of The NRA (americanrifleman.org)

Traveling with Firearms: Regulations | USCCA Resources (usconcealedcarry.com)

USCCA Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & U.S. Gun Laws | USCCA (usconcealedcarry.com)
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I just hand them my TX carry license along with my driver license and registration. Cops generally don't get too excited about such things here in Texas. Hands at 10 and 2 though


Kapitis Indagatoris
FWIW. (not going down the conspiracy of "bad police officer" rabbit hole.)

It's just a traffic stop. It's just the business of traffic safety and not a personal attack on you. Good people can sometimes do silly things in a vehicle. Some people can tend to get so worked up over being stopped. Most know exactly why they are being stopped. While many try to defend what they did roadside, which is not a good place to argue, the Courts are the place to make your argument. The Officer has most likely done 20 stops before you and another 20 after you, it's just the business they're in and the business you agreed to when you got your drivers license.

The vast majority of traffic stops can be over in less then 10 minutes. Stay in your car. Stay calm. Don't fidget around. Keep your hands on the steering wheel. Stay focused. Provide the documents asked for. If they are in the glovebox/console communicate what your doing, if the gun is in the glovebox/console communicate that and do not opening it or touch it until your both on the same page regarding it. Be professional and polite (like you learned in kindergarten) and the business of the traffic stop will be over in 10 minutes and your on your way.

Be safe.

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