I'm (mostly) giving up on Canon...

Bad Voodoo

Unassuming Superhero
...in favor of a MUCH older but lighter and smaller kit. My choice ought to ring a bell for those of you familiar with old-school photo journalists. Gotta imagine those of you who have participated in African runs have seen a few red dots knockin' around over there:



I jettisoned a bunch of my Canon gear to pick up a couple of these 5-year old 5MP Leica Digilux 2 cameras. The images they create are quite pleasing to my eyes, and let's face it, 5MP is plenty for just about anyone who isn't a professional!

I am keeping a 1D MKII and 400mmL to shoot air shows and motor sports however, because well, there really is no substitute for Canon glass shooting those subjects!

Scott Brady

Great cameras. Ho from Expedition Exchange uses those bodies, and takes incredible images.

This is my next purchase: 12mp and super compact. Perfect for the moto and bike, yet uses all of the lenses from my E-3

Bad Voodoo

Unassuming Superhero
This is my next purchase: 12mp and super compact. Perfect for the moto and bike, yet uses all of the lenses from my E-3... <snip>

Nice choice. I'm hearing great things about the "Pen revival" and you're right, it's hard to beat the footprint w/ lens choices you're going to have for that little beauty. I considered it, but just can't get over the fact that basic black isn't an option. :costumed-smiley-007

By the way, the Digilux 2 is pictured and are the cameras I purchased - fixed, but dynamite DC Vario-Summicron ASPH f/2.0-2.4 28-90mm zoom lens, based on all the field reports I managed to stir up! I'll post a few samples when I put one of them through its paces.


Expedition Leader
Size Matters ...

and BIGGER is better. (At least in photgraphy.)

That said, take a look at these ruminations by Thom Hogan. http://www.bythom.com/2009%20Nikon%20News.htm

See especially:

-- The Sweet Spot for his thougths on how many MP anyone can really use.

-- Olympus PEN (EP-1) and the quest for the tiny grail. This leads to: http://www.bythom.com/compactchallenge.htm (Which explains some of the problems with small cameras.) And that leads to the camera many of us want, even if we don't know how to spec it. (This is, after all, a vehicle, not a camera, forum.) http://www.bythom.com/compact.htm

Some very interesting stuff going on. As I become less and less happy with my Sony T10, I become more and more interested in this stuff.
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Bad Voodoo

Unassuming Superhero
and BIGGER is better. (At least in photgraphy.)

That said, take a look at these ruminations by Thom Hogan. http://www.bythom.com/2009%20Nikon%20News.htm

See especially:

-- The Sweet Spot for his thougths on how many MP anyone can really use.

-- Olympus PEN (EP-1) and the quest for the tiny grail. This leads to: http://www.bythom.com/compactchallenge.htm (Which explains some of the problems with small cameras.) And that leads to the camera many of us want, even if we don't know how to spec it. (This is, after all, a vehicle, not a camera, forum.) http://www.bythom.com/compact.htm

Some very interesting stuff going on. As I become less and less happy with my Sony T10, I become more and more interested in this stuff.

Good stuff. Yep, every photographer I know is searching for that "holy grail", even if they don't know how to precisely spec it. The more I dig into this Oly though, the more I believe it comes close at this time. Here's a gallery of EP-1 shots: http://www.lens-scape.com/pen/pen.htm

Bad Voodoo

Unassuming Superhero
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