Charter Subscription to JPFreek Adventure Magazine for ExPo Members


As many of you know, JPFreek Adventure Magazine recently announced our move to a paid subscription publication and because so many of you at ExPo have been good to us for over three years now, we'd like to offer ExPo members a discounted rate on a one-year digital subscription to JPFreek.

For those of you interested in subscribing to JPFreek Adventure Magazine, we are currently extending a discounted subscription rate of $4.25 annually. That's basically $1 and change for each 160ppgs+ issue of JPFreek which is about the cost of a soda from a vending machine these days (probably less). To purchase your ExPo-discounted subscription to JPFreek Adventure Magazine, please visit the following URL:

If you haven't already seen the current issue of JPFreek Adventure Magazine and would like to do so before purchasing a subscription, you can do so by visiting:

Also, if you shoot me a PM that includes your mailing address after you've purchased a subscription then I'll be sure to mail you a limited edition JPFreek decal. In all you'll get a JPFreek decal AND a full-year subscription to JPFreek Adventure Magazine for a mere $4.25 annually.

Thanks again to each of you here at ExPo for your continued support of JPFreek. We greatly appreciate it and wish all of you the happiest of adventures. Cheers!


Now you tell me. I already subscribed. Can I get my subscription extended?

Sorry about that. However, I'm more than happy to extend your subscription through the end of next year so no worries. :) PM your mailing address and I'll get you a decal as well.

Thanks again!



I appreciate that! I'm on my way to Jamaica; I can see me now...Red Stipe, hammock, jpfreak! Sounds like a great afternoon!


Just wanted to let everyone know that we'll be running this special Charter subscription offer for ExPo members through September 15. If you haven't picked up your subscription to JPFreek Adventure Magazine yet, check out our current issue for free. We hope you'll like it enough to get a full-year subscription for a mere $4.25. To view the current issue, go to:

To purchase your discounted subscription to JPFreek Adventure Magazine, please visit:

For those of you who have already picked up a charter subscription, your decals will be on their way this week. I didn't realize that all the decals we planned to use for this promotion got sent to Jeep Jamboree U.S.A. earlier this summer for their attendees (JPFreek Adventure Magazine is the official digital Jeep publication of JJUSA).

As always, thanks for supporting JPFreek and helping us support ExPo by becoming a subscriber. Cheers!

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