Pop up and Pop Out Camper


One of the best custom campers I have seen. Two questions, Is your toliet a RV or Cassette? Who did you get your door from?



New member
Sorry it took me awhile to get back with you all. Just been to the Bishop area to rock climb with the camper. Down to about 15 degrees at nite there. I need to do something about condensation in the camper for the nite. Had 3 people and 4 dogs in it all nite and Catalitic heater on all nite with a couple of windows cracked and created lots of interior moisture. Answers: breakinstuffzfun - you asked about the toilet. It is just a self contained Portapotty and I put it on slides that allow it to slide into the wall providing a clear 30" x 30" shower floor. (the toilet shares the same area as the shower and is a 30x30 dedicated enclosure with full standup height and a vent. The camper exterior door and door frame is actually something I got off an old camper that I cut down to fit. Overland you asked about access with the slider slid in. Yes, I can get into the camper with the slider in. I also made the camper so I can drive with the top up and the slider in. Lynn: I got on the site you referred to for HiLo and you are correct they make a solid sided popup unit that has a slider so I stand corrected.


New member
someone asked about the slides for the slider. I built them out of plastic I purchased from Tap Plastic. The top of the slide is a "T" and the bottom has a slot with a cap that retains the top T.


New member
(also emailed)

sorry this took me so long to get to you but its elk hunting season here in colorado! I visited your page in the form and i have to say i love what you have done!!!! it's an inspiriataion to what i am trying to accomplish. i look forward to continued corespondence with you. and dont be suprised if i drop a note seeking advise! the form seems to be showing the 3d modeling pics now, but i enclosed them anyway.

best wishes and nice build to you.


Well done!! I have had a similar idea in my head evolving for three decades from seeing countless vehicles with their strengths and weakneses and owning nearly a dozen. I am always drawn back to relatively small multi-purpose self contained durable units mounted on highway worthy 4wd chassis capable of towing a quiver of different toys (jeeps,buggies, bikes or boats). My diesel Sportsmobile is close which I stumbled upon by sheer luck. Had I not, I would be looking strongly at a similar unit to yours. I miss the easy servicing of a pickup vs. the tight confines of the van's engine compartment.
I salute you sir for your vision, skill, and tenacity.


how do you like the firgelli actuators? any problems with alignment or pinching?
what model did you get, i ask because it looks like the stroke is about 24", but the base is about 36", still giving you about 12" of the upper rod in the base, when up, for alignment. the only models i saw on firgelli's site were 24" top & bottom.
or was this a 36" stroke with adjustable stops?

nice tight work


New member
Sarconcepts: I have no problem with alignment or pinching. The actuators are model FA-05-12-30. I went into the actuators and reset the top stop cause my top lifts 28" not 30". I put an 80 pound spring on the bottom mount of the actuator to insure there is an even pull when in the top is in either the up or down positions. The only problem I have had is once, when it rained, one of the actuators partially filled with water and wouldn't go all the way down. The actuators arn't really designed for outdoor use. I tried putting greese where the rod comes out the top of the actuator and we'll see if that solves the problem. The actuators seem to have plenty of power to left the roof. I have two rods in sleeves in addition to the 4 actuators that are heavyer duty than the actuators to insure that the actuators don't bend and brake in windy conditions. If you don't understand what I have described, I can take a pic of it and post it.


I've used the Firgelli linear actuators in the past for a television lift and have been very pleased.


Fixer & Builder of Things
This is awesome. I would love to see a video of the top lifting if possible!! I've been planning a hardsided poptop similar to an Alaskan, and would love to see how you accomplished your hardsided poptop. There seems to be so much headroom in the sleeping section yet it folds so flat and low, very nice.



New member
I wanted to add pictures of my truck without the camper on so you can see the sides of the flat bed and the wheel wells. The aluminum box at the rear drivers side, under the flat bed, is for grey water from the camper.


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    camper truck 001.jpg
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  • camper truck 002.jpg
    camper truck 002.jpg
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Fixer & Builder of Things
What is the height from the flatbed to the top of the cab? Do you find you have any issues with frame flex when driving offroad making your camper into a rhombus shape? Do you have notches in the bottom of the camper that the wheel wells fit into?


I wanted to add pictures of my truck without the camper on so you can see the sides of the flat bed and the wheel wells. The aluminum box at the rear drivers side, under the flat bed, is for grey water from the camper.
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New member
What is the height from the flatbed to the top of the cab? Do you find you have any issues with frame flex when driving offroad making your camper into a rhombus shape? Do you have notches in the bottom of the camper that the wheel wells fit into?


It's approximately 43 inches from the top of my flat bed to the top of my cab. I have never experienced any structural failure or cracking in the camper due to driving off road. I do have notches in the bottom of the camper that the wheel wells fit into.


New member
the camper continues to work great. I talked about the actuators taking on water because they aren't designed for outdoor use so I enclosed the actuator with a plastic hood that goes up with the actuator. Hard to describe. I'll post a pic if anyone is interested.

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