Family "Planning"?


Expedition Leader
Oh yeah, I'm totally looking forward to getting Phil into Scouts when he turns 5, and might volunteer as well.

But I heard membership in scouts is dying off?

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
Oh yeah, I'm totally looking forward to getting Phil into Scouts when he turns 5, and might volunteer as well.

But I heard membership in scouts is dying off?

I wouldn't be surprised by that.
There have been a number of "contraversies" lately with the organization, not allowing gays in etc...
I also think it's looked at as sort of "old school" and not so cool. :(

I think in general less and less people are going out camping though, that's not necssarily a bad thing for us that still enjoy getting out there!

EDIT: Just a slight side-note, I was online researching how to start the process to join, and there was a story about a local troop that went down to Costa Rica and helped build a school or something for 2 weeks. Pretty impressive, and I wouldn't mind going down there with them for an adventure like that!
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I'm actually considering to try and get into volunteering with one of the local troops near my home.
I have a number of reasons for this, but I think it would be great to help get your kids into camping with other kids their age.
I was in Scouts when I was young, and I had a lot of fun camping away from my family with other kids. Camping really was the only reason I was interested in Scouting. :)
My family was into tent camping as well, but it was great no matter who I camped with.

Yeah, I helped out with a troop a couple years ago. One of my professors was a troop leader. I taught an orienteering class out in the national forest. Talk about fun! Getting 6 kids lost out in the woods to have them find my way back! We intend to put our daughter into girl scouts, but she's a couple years away from that and doesnt provide Daddy the opportunities to enjoy the adventures too.

I had/have several friends who were in the scouts. They are some of the nicest most honorable guys I know and for the most part, my real friends. So I can see second hand how the scouts help.

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
I don't know much about Girl Guides, outside of the cookies of course... :D

What exactly do they do anyways???

And I think if you were a Scout Leader/Master you could probably pull some strings and have your daughter come along on a camping trip with you. ;)

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
Just try to convince your wife that practice makes perfect. If you get in enough practice, you can have a "pefect" kid. :coffeedrink:

To clarify, what I meant was... the second kid will not necessarily be easier, but the changes to your routine and lifestyle will be. :ylsmoke:


Expedition Leader
No matter how tough things are, I know I'm still blessed. One of my old bosses had 4 kids. The youngest, a girl, caught some kinda weird virus in the womb, and ended up... I dunno the term.... She's doesn't have Down's. It's worse than that. She 16, but with the mind of a 1 year old. Brutal.

That, and my brother might be sterile. He had cancer at 7, and the treatments might have done it. But hopefully... he just had an operation to fix a vein "down there" that might help, so we'll see. You wanna talk about family planning... we've briefly talked about me donating "genetic material" and his wife having in-vetro. I actually wanted to get fixed, but I'm holding off until we know what he's going to do. It's a weird discussion, about them using random donated genetic material (trying to keep it clinical!) vs. coming from me, so at least it would be close to him in a way.. That's an even harder discussion to have with my wife.

Mr. Leary

Glamping Excursionaire
No, just mean about me talking about my boy. I do it too much. It's been tough for me.

Somebody smart once told me that parenting is the most difficult, most aggravating, most trying, most rewarding, and most fulfilling job you will every have. Hang in there, man. :) Struggles turn into memories, and it will all be worth it in the end.
As long as you dont do the dance with your sister in law... Good luck to yall.

My mom likes to remind me of the time when I had whooping cough when I was a little older than 1. Sounds like a tough and trying time. My cousin has two sons who STAY sick. The doctors do not know what the problem is with the youngest baby. Each doctor gives a different idea... nothing done has helped. They've even put the baby through surgery with little to no help. Its crazy and I pray for them. Sucks.
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Expedition Leader
Oh, and I'd agree. Having a new baby when the first is still 2-3... gotta be tough. With Phil being 4, it's not too bad. He can entertain himself well when needed. And while he can't totally take care of himself, he is usually patient while he waits.

What I mean about it being easier with the second is... all the little things you freaked out about with your first, you're used to on the second. Such as, in the first week after birth, both of them spit up a little blood a few times. Turns out it was coming from mommy, it takes a little while for her to toughen up. We totally freaked out with Phil, but with Elise, you're used to it. Stuff like that.

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