Ugh, need new rain jacket, can't decide


Expedition Trophy Winner
ok, so it's been 9 years since I bought my last rain jacket. It was a Columbia titanium, sealed seems, 100% waterproof, lightweight, not 'crinkley', lightweight, roomy enough to wear a fleece underneath, had 2nd zipper for just that. It's been all over the place in all kinds of conditions, it's been my daily jacket, my skiing jacket (w/fleece), my rain jacket (monster storms), my hiking jacket, my "it's cold but not quite that cold" jacket, my 'first thing I grab when I head out' jacket. Heck, I wear it to nice dinners and everywhere else.

Now though, it's lost it's waterproofness :( And living in the PNW, I just have to let it go :( It'll still be my every-once-in-awhile jacket...or maybe I'll pass it along to a friend (like my last jacket that I wore for 6 years).

It feels like I breaking up, and have to start dating again :)

Now, I just spent 2 hours at REI trying on every jacket they have. My theory is I'll wear this jacket for close to another decade, so price is not object (a $480 jacket costs me about $5/month)...

I don't like the Arcterex Beta or Alpha, they are too 'rubbery' like a fishing jacket
I don't like the Mtn Hardware Exposure, it's a little too heavy for me
I didn't like the Marmots, they had white inside
...etc, etc etc

Am I being too picky? Is this like when you get a divorce and start dating again and no one is good enough to be the 'next one'? Any suggestions from the peanut gallery?

My requirements and what I'll use this for:

Relatively lightweight
Need to be able to comfortably add fleece/liner
Fashionable enough to wear around most of the time

Please help!


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
I went through several rain jackets over the last years... Really frustrating when you buy them, they are all great, but as soon as they show a little bit of wear it's downhill...

I have two approaches to this issue:
Buy from Mountain Equipment Coop (same idea as REI) and if the jacked doesn't perform, you return it, even years later! That is what they promise.

The other option is to buy really high end. We just bought my wife a Arcterex beta. Yes, it's quite stiff, but the quality is outstanding. Several of my friends are professional athletes and are using Arcterex every day. I never hear them complain! Not so with other brands...

Anyhow, I don't know were you are located, but it may be worth while for you to drive to Vancouver BC and visit the factory outlet. We saved 50%!



If you haven't already used it, try ReviveX on your Titanium shell. It will restore the outer repellency. My 20 year old (that it NOT a typo nor an exaggeration) GTX marmot is still going strong. I thought I lost its waterproofness forever when I got caught in a horrific hail storm. It leaked like a sieve after that, but the mfg sent me some Revive to try before replacing the jacket - worked great and I have my Marmot back.

Like you, I can't seem to ever find what I really want for a replacement... so I haven't replace it yet.

More info here....
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I guess it can depend on temperatures (seasons) that you will be using it. I found that on a summer backpacking trip in Colo. my 10 year old Marmot 3-layer gore-tex coat was too heavy for summer usage, so I opt for a pancho. Panchos breath better and are great for summer usage. When its warm and rainy I get just as wet from the humidity as I would if I was exposed to the rain. I guess if your looking for a jacket you could try one from REI and return it if it doesn't work out. Marmot Precips are popular. I think they have a new one called the Mica? Also check Helly Hanson, LLBean.
Hope this helps a little!


I too had a Columbia Titanium jacket that I wore for years and years. The sleeves lost their waterproofness just about two years ago. I know you said you did not like the Marmot jackets but that's what I replaced mine with and I love it. I wear a Marmot Precip jacket as a waterproof shell. Outstanding jacket. Keeps you dry and is easily packable. Won't break the bank either.


I have used a Patagonia(not sure model) with H2No membrane and have no complaints in last 2 years. Lightweight, black so can wear out to eat, hood fits over helmet, etc.. I also have a Rivers West setup which is a Washington company, Cascade mountains somewhere. That is what I wear when I know it is going to be wet or cold. I have slept in below freezing weather in the back of my truck with no bag or blanket wearing only the Rivers West pants and jacket plus wool socks and boots and did not get cold even once, I highly recommend their gear- I love mine!


The ReviveX fixed up my too lost it's waterproofing starting with the sleeves.

I have a lightweight rain jacket from LL Bean. After 8 years, the inner membrane started flaking off. I took it to my local LL Bean retailer to ask if they ever saw it happen. They gave me a new jacket on the spot! I argueds with them, saying I've abused the jacket for 8 years, but they insisted I take the new one.:victory:


Second on the patagonia

I have used a Patagonia(not sure model) with H2No membrane and have no complaints in last 2 years. Lightweight, black so can wear out to eat, hood fits over helmet, etc.. I also have a Rivers West setup which is a Washington company, Cascade mountains somewhere. That is what I wear when I know it is going to be wet or cold. I have slept in below freezing weather in the back of my truck with no bag or blanket wearing only the Rivers West pants and jacket plus wool socks and boots and did not get cold even once, I highly recommend their gear- I love mine!

I have a couple pieces of Patagonia kit, they are over 10 years oul and still holding up well ( 1 shell leaks in heavy rain but its still good for the winter) and they will fix or replace just about anything. I sent 1 back because the dog ate the zipper. I got it back repaired at no cost.

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