Road Cycling


So, yesterday I gave a first shot at road cycling. Went 20 miles in an hour and a half.

It was awesome!! Except today I wake up with a sore throat. I am hoping it was just from breathing through my mouth too much, or maybe from post nasal drip. (My nose runs when I do strenuous exercise for some reason). I've been running a lot and getting into exercise a lot more lately.

Anyway. It was awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to get back on the road!

Anyone else do it? I can't feed enough of this stuff into my brain... I had to get online about it.. :)


Fixer & Builder of Things
Road cycling is a blast. Especially when your able to escape from the automobile traffic.

I thoroughly enjoy a good mountain or road bike race, but I find Criterium racing to be the most exciting. 80-100 guys driving into tight 90 degree corners for 90 minutes of all out hell. Banging elbows and handlebars. Trying to push another guy off a wheel so you can have that spot. All while going hella-fast.

I just got a hand-me-down vintage nishiki from my father-in-law. I was doing pretty good riding it, but it got real hot in the summer and i was having classes on the weekends, so my am rides got shut down.. now i am having difficulty starting back up.

our job got shut down for the day, so i'm home when its moderately cool....I think i'm gonna go ride. :bike_rider:


Expedition Leader
Welcome to the world of roadies! I started riding/racing when I was 12 and raced heavily until my early 20's, I now just ride for fitness and fun. There are few better ways to clear your mind than a good ride. As for the sore throat, is there an allergen in your area that is blooming? Be careful and ride as if you are invisible to cars because odds are they are NOT looking out for you. Do you have some bike shorts with a pad yet? If not-get a pair soon, your boys will thank you. Try to find a club or shop that hosts regular rides, they will always have a slower group that welcome beginers, riding in a pack is a great way to improve skil, strength and cover more distance in less time, plus it's just fun. What are you riding now?

Deleted member 9101

I have an old school TREK 1000 that I rebuilt and had powder coated that I ride to school when the weather is nice. Never tried to go more than a couple of


Welcome to the world of roadies! I started riding/racing when I was 12 and raced heavily until my early 20's, I now just ride for fitness and fun. There are few better ways to clear your mind than a good ride. As for the sore throat, is there an allergen in your area that is blooming? Be careful and ride as if you are invisible to cars because odds are they are NOT looking out for you. Do you have some bike shorts with a pad yet? If not-get a pair soon, your boys will thank you. Try to find a club or shop that hosts regular rides, they will always have a slower group that welcome beginers, riding in a pack is a great way to improve skil, strength and cover more distance in less time, plus it's just fun. What are you riding now?

Not sure. But I am in Florida so who knows. It's not even the back of my throat. It's more like up in my sinus cavity. Almost like if I were snoring. Hell, maybe I was so wiped out last night I snored all night.

I am riding a 2011 Trek 1.5. I hated the shifters on the 1.1 and 1.2, so I went up a level to the 1.5. I like it. It has the... Tiagra shifters I think? The Cannondale Caad 8 (or 10?) was lighter, and faster, but the Trek just "felt" better.. (And it was cheaper)

I do have bike shorts. I can tell they helped a ton. I rode with a group last night of about 15 people. It was good times! I just can't WAIT to get back on the road again...


Except today I wake up with a sore throat. I am hoping it was just from breathing through my mouth too much, or maybe from post nasal drip.

This happens to me occasionally. Due to a deviated septum, I tend to inhale through my mouth when I'm not paying attention. I drink plenty of water, thirsty or not to wash down the airborne nastiness.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
I've been road racing since '86 when I was just a wee whipper snapper. I've been a Cat 2 racer since roughly 1990, although these days I only take on the occasional masters 35+ race. My last full time season was in 2008. I also raced for several years in Europe for Citroen/Citer and Pedal Sportif le Cruseot. Another ExPo member here, Chris McGovern, and myself both lived at the Olympic Training Center at about the same time, so there are some roadies and road racers here.

Fun stuff. Be careful, though. Road riding can be all consuming if you really get into it.


What part of Florida are you in? Im here in the Orlando area, I know touristville USA, and not the most cyclist friendly road. But alot of great rides. The Trek 1.5 is a great place to start, I ride a Trek Speed Concept and my wife has a Trek 2.1.


What part of Florida are you in? Im here in the Orlando area, I know touristville USA, and not the most cyclist friendly road. But alot of great rides. The Trek 1.5 is a great place to start, I ride a Trek Speed Concept and my wife has a Trek 2.1.

Yeah, I know I should have splurged on the 2.x series or a Caad 10 or something, but I just couldn't justify it.
Knowing what I know now I would have!

I am in Jacksonville. I plan on doing the Watermelon Ride in a couple weeks and my ultimate 4 week goal is the MS150. But I am getting mixed reviews as to if I'll be ready in time. I think I will, though, provided I can get my butt used to these seats. Ouch. I am a runner and I am in good shape, plus I mountain bike. Just new to road cycling.
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I see Wherry at Bread a couple of times per week. I saw McGovern yesterday. I met him a year and half ago at the Expo during the advanced moto class.

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