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  • Hi Dave! I'm pretty new to the forum here but see you and your products here a lot! Great stuff! I have an idea for you that I think would increase your market a ton! to subarus etc...Me and a buddy were talking today about the Trasharoo and how awesome it is. We both want one! We were coming up with options on how to mount it on our vehicles because niether of us have rear tire carriers. Here is a solution! Most trunk mounted bike racks for cars have on their straps these little L ish shaped pieces of strap metal to hook onto the lip of the trunk both at the top and bottom. They are plenty strong, they are made to handle multiple bikes, and are coated to save paint etc... Here is a pic of one from yakima, just hover over the clip closest in the pic.
    Anyway, as a fellow adventure person and business guy I thought I'd reach out. I hope I'm not being too forward, and that your Holidays were fantastic!
    dave when you took off your 6500's off the front did you like their relacement ,i'm looking for some in my front hoop and looking for feedback ,thanks Fred
    Sorry, you're picture at the top of your profile page says "The Adventure Trio." I thought maybe there was a hidden message there, or something. I guess not... :)
    I don't use a nozzle because they always seem to leak. We use a product called 'Super Siphon'. It works quickly and we don't have to take the cans down to empty them.
    Hello, I noticed you use the NATO fuel cans. What type of nozzle to you use? I have the hardest time finding them for my jerry cans.
    hey buddy how are you doing? i was at kern river 2 weeks ago and some one put a note on my RED RANGE ROVER, i googled the card and it look like your card, was it you? :)

    So far, they've been great. Quiet, wearing good, have handled all types of terrain and they're a cross between a mudder and an allterrain. Im happy.
    Hey Dave,

    I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on your tires (Hankooks). I am looking at swithching out my MTR's and was considering the Copopers or the Hankooks.

    Thanks in advance,
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