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  • Hey David, We finally pulled the plug and got a house in CG. Don't know when we will get moving that way, as it is up to D, but soon I hope. Looking forward to heading south and getting out of this snow. Jan+Deb..Hi to N and Paco! :costumed-smiley-007
    Hi David!!!

    Are You back again??? We are now at the SouthRim of the Grand Canyon...
    It is snowing and we are heading to the Zion N.P.
    Thanks for all the Tips You gave us at the Hotsprings...
    Big hug from the germans
    Markus und Tania
    Hi David and Paco Dog! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, haven't been over here in a while. We're both super busy in a good way. Look for my 1st article to come out in JPFreek Adventure Mag in the Winter2009 edition! We're still planning expedition trips on our new forum located at www.offroadpassport.com. Check us out if you'd like, we'd enjoy having you with us on a trip! d
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