1984 FWC Hawk Refurbish


Don't forget to make an alignment mark on the hinge so you know where it goes
alingment mark hinge.jpgalignment mark.jpgalignment marks line up.jpg

I attached the center support first
attach center support.jpg

I attached the top panel to the hinge first. I wanted to install the rivets from the top side down, so I made a support
support for center hinge top panel.jpg
center hinge top panel.jpg

Don't forget your canvas pull straps, they go on the upper panel (yes, I forgot, had to go back and drill out rivet). Also, using a hammer and makeshift dolly, I pounded the rivets flat
make shift dolly.jpg
canvas pull strap.jpg

Then I attached the bottom panel, and had to use the rivet gun from the underside (I couldn't find a better way)(picture shows top down, but I flipped panel over before riveting)
center hinge to top panel.jpg


Center hinge and support attached (goofy grin not required)
center hinge and support finished.jpg

Now it's time to attach ceiling hinge. Again, I did not pre-drill this, so add a scrap piece of wood so there is no tear out.
celing hinge.jpg
ceiling hinge drill support.jpg

Then rivet together. I cannot state enough, make sure you have marked the hinges prior to removal of old panel so you know what direction they go.
ceiling hinge riveted.jpg

Do the same for the lower panel lower hinge (wall hinge?) Don't forget to hammer and dolly all the rivets.

I decided to add the old push handle, not the new one. And you are done.
front view finished.jpg

Now back to install step one
back to the install step 1.jpg
Looks great HunterMike, sorry it was such a PIA for you. Thanks for all the pictures they really helped. I've got everything measured, since my panels are starting to go. Gonna tackle the lift panels once I finish my cabinet rebuild and solar install.


Awesome stuff, thanks Mike! I really need to tackle mine before Fall, this is just what I needed to push me over the edge. BTW, anyone ever tell you that you look like Dana White?


Only had a few hours to work on camper this weekend
Got new tie downs installed in camper and cut hole for drivers' side rear access
Installed battery box and hooked up battery
battery box wire access.jpg
battery box.jpg
This is the fuse "box", can't wait to get this redone, but I want to get it out first and use it!
fuse box.jpg

Installed insulated curtains
front window insulation.jpg
interior insulated windows.jpg
side window insulation.jpg

Now I need to install eye bolts in truck bed, get jacks back from welder (adding 16" on each) and head for the mountains!!:sombrero:


1st Trip Out

Took the camper out for it's maiden voyage last weekend. Trip was a success, but not without some minor issues. As some of you may be aware, Colorado had more than it's share of rain the past few weeks. I took advantage of this and pushed the camper out of the garage and let it sit in the driveway opened for 3 days before the trip. Yes it leaked, but at the end of a 3 day (what seemed) constant downpour, I had a small pool of water in the front right corner of the upper bed about the size of my fist (mattress was not in place). I can't remember Colorado getting this much rain since my family moved here in 1979. I believe the water is coming in from the vent seal, although I am not too worried about it at this point. I ended up cutting off 4.5" of the new 16" pipe added to the jacks because it wouldn't go low enough to pick the camper off of the dolly. The new tie down eye's worked great on both the camper and the truck bed. I took some suggestions from this forum and from friends and left the tailgate on. That would later prove to be a mistake.
rear view hawk installed.jpg
hawk installed interior.jpg
loading up hawk.jpg
loaded and ready to go.jpg
heading out.jpg

Of course, when you have 3 teenage girls, your wife, as well as 3 dogs along for the trip, it tends to look like you are either moving or loading up for the zombie apocalypse. Nope, just a 4 day, 3 night trip to the lake. We did have a cabin reserved at the lake, which we do every year, before I had purchased the Hawk. That came in handy.


1st Trip con't

We head out of Denver about 10:30 am, late as usual. As always we stop in Silverthorne for lunch. Open up the camper and let the CBR dog out to "air out". The wife's two "dogs" ride up front in the glove box (Tea Cup Taco Bell dog and miniature something else). Eat lunch and head to Steamboat. My younger daughter and her friend along for the trip decide near Kremmling that they want to fish as well. My oldest daughter already had a license, my youngest never wants to fish. Okay, stop at Wally Mart in Steamboat and purchase 2 fishing licenses. Air the CBR out again. About an hour later we arrive at the lake. Yeah! Go to unload the camper and dog, and the tailgate won't open. Ended up going into camper through side emergency window to unload gear and dog. Good thing we had the cabin! We all slept in cabin first night while I tried to figure out how to access camper door. 1997 F250 tailgate latch access panel goes the whole width of bed interior, which is now up against camper. In the morning I crawl back into the side window and loosen all of the tie-downs. Drive back up to entrance to lake (big hill) and drive like a mad man down the hill and lock the brakes. Twice, nothing. Wow, that rubber mat does hold the camper in place. Good to know. Back to campsite. I have the girls lift one side while I push from the rear. We manage to get camper forward enough to access star bolts and remove access panel. The plastic clip that hold the passenger side rod came off. Pull on the rod, and tailgate opens. The clip snaps back into place on the rod, but I am not confident it will hold up. Tailgate comes off. One good thing about packing for the apocalypse, you have the trailer to haul the tailgate back home. I am able to start enjoying the trip now, let's go fishing.
kelley and allyssa fishing.jpg
sydney and sierra fishing 2.jpg


1st Trip Con't

The evening starts getting chilly. Time for dinner.
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I start to wonder if the heater will make it through the night. I did purchase a cheap thermometer to put in the camper to see how well the camper works. As we sit around the campfire making smores, I go into the camper. The temp is about 37 degrees. Time to heat this girl up. I start the furnace and go back to the fire. 15 minutes later I go back to the camper, 70 degrees! Wow, the heater works well. The wife and I decide to try to get through the night without running the heater. We have coffee pot set up on stove ready to go in the morning. The plan is to get up, fire up the furnace and turn the stove on and crawl back into the sleeping bag. When coffee is done, the camper will also be warm. The reason for the plan is that I am not sure how long the batteries will last, and I want to see how warm the camper will stay with the insulated window coverings.

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That plan lasted until about 2:30 am, when we both woke up freezing. Furnace goes back on, and it is warm within 10 minutes.

Night two in the camper (night three at the lake).
Last night here, let's see how long the battery will last. We set the thermostat at 60 degrees and left on all night. Slept much better, and the heater cycled on about every 30-45 minutes. I did notice that while the heater warmed up the camper fast, once it was off, the camper cooled off just as fast. I wonder how the insulation in the walls has faired over the last 30 years?

All in all, a great first trip. In two weeks I am going on a solo trip without backup accommodations (even cooler night temps in the high country) and I feel confident about the camper.

More pics:
hawk left front.jpg
hawk left rear.jpg
hawk right front.jpg
hawk right rear.jpg


I think I need a bigger truck!
Very kool trip report, glad it worked out. Tailgate bit sucks but what can you do? Trailer/Camper furnaces rule!!

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