1993 Ambulance Camper



The wife and I have decided to shift a slightly different direction with our travel/vehicle needs, so it's with regret that we're putting our Ambo up for sale.

Here's the build thread: http://www.expeditionportal.com/for...t-Poor-man-s-EarthRoamer-quot-Ambulance-Build

As with everything, this has been an ongoing project and a lot of the mods are there, but not necessarily "done". Things like trimming out the interior around the roof vent and the window, finalizing the electrical, etc.

The basics on the vehicle - 1993 conversion by Wheeled Coach, ~103k miles, remanufactured trans approx 10k ago. Very little, if any, rust. New power steering lines, fuel filter, and some other odds and ends.

Current state of the exterior (tame black wolf not included):


Current state of the interior (sort of, window not shown):

IMG_20121228_212324_670 [50%].jpg
IMG_20121228_212459_199 [50%].jpg
IMG_0990 [1024x768].JPG
IMG_0996 [1024x768].JPG

Would love to see it stay in the Expo family and get completed, so feel free to make an offer. Not in a rush to sell it, but it would help with other endeavors.
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On my mobile right now but check the build thread link above. Thanks.

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2


Expedition Leader
Man... this sucks. All that work and changing direction. But I can understand and empathize. I wish I had some spare $$ as I'm not to far in Arlington (Ft Myer) and have been eyeballing campers. Sigh... dang jeeps take all my money. Maybe I should sell off my trailer ad RTT... *gasp*


just curious, whats the headroom measure in one of those?

never mind found it in your build thread!
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What are the interior dimensions of the interior? I found the height in your build thread but I'm looking for the length and width. Also what all is included. Does it come with the fridge?



What are the interior dimensions of the interior? I found the height in your build thread but I'm looking for the length and width. Also what all is included. Does it come with the fridge?


According to my sketchup model it's 128" long by 88" wide, which should be fairly accurate. For the asking price (or near it) everything is included. I can pull some items (fridge, aux battery, etc) to lower the price too.

There are some odds and ends that still need to be finished, as my goal was to maximize its usefulness as I was building it, such as trimming around the vent, finishing the wall where we added the window, etc. Also, I had just run the fresh/gray water out of 2 aquatainers so there's probably some work to be done there and little things like that.

We just picked up the basis for our next project so I'm a little more keen to sell it now.


I senta pm. im a definitely interested per my message, but as before, dont expect it to be available. :(

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