2001 Montero Sport 3.5XS stuck in 4hi


Expedition Leader
Hello all,

I have an urgent issue that suddenly arose this evening on my 2001 Montero Sport 3.5xs with the standard 2hi, 4hi, 4lo t-case. I bypassed the vacuum solenoid to engage the front diff years ago and installed manual hubs with a toggle switch to make the computer happy and locked the front diff engagement thing (I can't remember the name but it's a rod with a small gear on the end).

I replaced my rear brakes today (unrelated) and when on a short test drive where I attempted to engage the t-case on some dirt (to use 2-low). When I shifted (in N) to 4hi, it got stuck there and now won't go back into 2hi or 4low. It feels like the gears are bound up some how.

Ideas on troubleshooting or a fix? I have no idea if the ball disintegration is an issue on the Sport nor what to order as a replacement if that's what it is.

This isn't my daily drive but I was planning on taking camping this weekend and could use quick help. I'm going to go consult the FSM in the mean time but am hoping some folks have an idea.

Thanks for the help.


Expedition Leader
Looks like it's the ball. I started taking the t-case shifter apart and as soon as I released tension on the 10mm surround nuts it popped back into 2wd. The shifter has always been pretty sloppy but since I had nothing to compare it to I figured it was normal these past 7 years.....

Am I better off getting a white ball shifter or just replacing the bushing MD701605?

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