2007 CX Tiger Chevrolet Diesel


Active member
Is it just my neighborhood that’s nearly doubled in price, my grocery store, lumber yard, labor, insurance, fuel? For half the price of a sprinter van or a truck and a slide in camper. Value is value. I have to replace it some day. id much rather keep the tiger than replace it with the drywall, tile, appliances I will be trading for it.
if you don’t want to make me an offer for what you’d pay than why leave a bad taste in someone that would enjoy camping in the Tiger. How much did your home or rent increase since Covid nitemare started.


Active member
" How much did your home or rent increase since Covid nitemare started."
Excellent question, Scott. Some of the answers are startling. Let's take home prices as an example.

I live in within 3 hours of Manhattan. Beginning about mid-to-late 2020, as media and govt methodically and regularly stoked unreasonable Covid panic and fear among the public (another subject entirely), mentally paralyzed and frightened New Yorkers with gobs of money started buying houses in my and neighboring states.

A bucolic log cabin with classic screened porch and green tin roof, without heat, running water, or electricity, on 4 acres of wooded hillside, sitting 200 feet from an 8 acre pond, sold in 2018 for $115,000. It sold for $235,000 September 2020.

What physical elements of the property caused it's value to increase by 103% in two years? The place still had no heat, no running water, no electricity. No improvements had been undertaken; no replacement of a few rotted logs, no replacement of even the creaky old screen door (a classic throwback to my childhood days).

Two and only two factors caused the 103% increase. Greed by seller. Fear by owner. These elements caused rich NY-ers to snatch up similar -and even mid-to-high six figure properties- like wildfire. This opened the floodgates, and prices are still astronomically high with no indication of ever returning to earth or normalcy.

To a degree, the same principle holds with vehicle prices. Greed and fear fueled price increases. But there's a third influence. Government response to Covid. We now know the practice of shutting down businesses and shutting in Americans (effectively house arrest) was wildly ineffective and even more wildly destructive to America; financially, mentally, physically, politically.

(For example, on May 20, 2020 the CDC published a review of 46 years of global mask studies. CDC concluded masks were of "little to no effective use" in stopping flu transmission.

And yet, after saying masks didn't work, CDC did a 180 and insisted everyone, even toddlers, wear masks. CDC is just now finally admitting masks really don't work as they told everyone they did.)

Govt "stay at home" orders impacted worker attendance at auto mfgrs. Less production line workers meant less cars/trucks being made. New car buyers who didn't want to wait 18 months for a new car started buying used cars. Supply and demand took over, giving us the astonishing prices we still see today.

I'm an old fashioned guy. Just because I can get $5,000 more for my (insert item here) because the world's gone stark raving mad doesn't mean I want to gouge my fellow man. Just because everyone is telling the Emperor his new clothes look kingly, doesn't mean I'm going to agree with them.

There's something happening here. What it is, is exactly clear. A deliberately induced panic has taken hold of and destructively influenced the public at large, causing everyday, normal people who'd never think of taking advantage of others to become opportunistically greedy; and justify their action by blaming it on Covid.

Covid didn't cause rent, home, or vehicle price increases. Government policy did. It was govt policy that closed businesses and told people to stay home. It was media disinformation and fear mongering that brought the mask Nazi's out of the woodwork. More than anything, though, it may've been that little voice on one shoulder saying "Go ahead. Do it. Everyone else is. No one will ever find out."

Ah, but it's written, "There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed on the last day."

And that's what we should all be aware of and work to avoid any unpleasant surprises on that day.

GLWS, Scott. It's a neat little truck camper.


Active member
I agree. The market will define what you can get and I think your asking price in the ballpark for current times. If I were in your shoes it would be near my starting price maybe less for a 'quick sale'. The 'price shamers' should be ashamed they have to play that card. Another Tiger is currently listed for more than they purchased it for new. A new Tiger is like $175k now I think? I am in real estate and price increases like this in the same 2-3 year period are common in housing and land. Get with the times folks and let the market determine value if it's overpriced it will sit without your help. My Tiger, I feel was a good buy but I still paid about what the previous owner paid for it 5 year prior and put 100k miles on it - I am happy as hell with it and joy it brings in our life. We don't think twice about the money - best money we ever spent.

"The 'price shamers' should be ashamed they have to play that card."
This is classic misdirection. Blaming others for pointing out the dual facts of greed and price gouging. This itself is playing the "blame others card".

" Get with the times folks...."
Translation: Everyone's doing it so they must be right. Turn your minds off and follow the crowd.

"I am in real estate and price increases like this in the same 2-3 year period are common in housing and land."
Again, everyone's doing it so it must be right. Truth is, real estate price increases are driven by seller's greed and buyer's fear induced through constant false information and promulgation that death from Covid is imminent unless you move to the country.

If Covid and the resultant disinformation propaganda operation never happened, real estate and vehicle prices would be 25-50% less than current pricing.

" We don't think twice about the money... "
"Only the little people pay taxes"
~ Leona Helmsley

"Let them eat cake"
~ Marie-Antoinette


Active member
politcs and religions start wars. If my tile and counter tops didn’t cost over $85,000 and I had time to finish off the mods and camper and start using it for the reason I hunted for the in my mind the perfect all around camper, I got caught up in the little paint job turned full on strip down past the studs rebuild. I’d be in a desert setting watching the star show planning an Alaska summer or Central America surfing trip. You guys must be bored with nothing better to do besides stir up some crap. This site is all about the elements most of the folks that spend time on it learning and contributing to the good. But the news media wouldn’t sell much soap if the news wasn’t all bad. So the suckers that dwell on being gangsters and yentas always find there way in to polluting the waterways.


Active member
So now back to the camper…this vintage tiger is the sweet spot of pre def, easy on the budget, expense slasher across the board. quiet diesel,plush ride,indoor shower and bath, kitchen lots of storage easy to work on, small and easy to upgrade, park, store and the capability off roading is surprising. My daily driver work truck is the same truck and it’s the best vehicle I’ve ever owned. Somebody will love this rig.


Why can you people not gather maturity enough to leave someone's for sale ad alone? If you don't have a question about the rig or are not interested in buying it, move one.

We've been around and around about this. If you want to talk about politics or the price of tea in China do it somewhere other than someone's for sale thread.

It doesn't matter what they are asking or why, it's their for sale thread, posted by that person.

The only place it should be remotely acceptable to start throwing out your personal opinions on a for sale ad is if it was posted by a third person/no affiliation.

To all of you that can't get this through your thick skulls just wait until you have a specific rig that can only find an audience on a specific site (perfect example here) and your for sale ad gets turned in to a ******** show for just trying to sell it.

You know, each of you could man up and delete your crap from Scottypyro's thread and move on with your day. It's a keystroke for the good of the community. Don't bother responding to me, I'm done here and won't be back. It's not a rig I'm looking for, but now to those who it might be they have to wade through all this crap.


This is a community. I personally find information about a vehicles past history helpful. People can then make up their own decisions using critical thinking, having all the info available to them. When you publicly post an ad on a free website you expose yourself to criticism in some forms. When I look at an auction site like Cars and Bids or Bring a Trailer, both of those sites allow people to post their thoughts in the comments. Nothing is edited or censored unless it is extremely rule breaking. For instance, on either of those sites, someone could post "I think this is way overpriced. Another one of these sold for $XXXX a few months ago. I think this seller is being greedy". That is totally normal there. So why are some people so sensitive on ExpeditionPortal about this kind of stuff?

Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
The rules here clearly stipulate that you may not make negative comments In a for sale thread. If you do, it is a ban-worthy expense.


New member
Why can you people not gather maturity enough to leave someone's for sale ad alone? If you don't have a question about the rig or are not interested in buying it, move one.

We've been around and around about this. If you want to talk about politics or the price of tea in China do it somewhere other than someone's for sale thread.

It doesn't matter what they are asking or why, it's their for sale thread, posted by that person.

The only place it should be remotely acceptable to start throwing out your personal opinions on a for sale ad is if it was posted by a third person/no affiliation.

To all of you that can't get this through your thick skulls just wait until you have a specific rig that can only find an audience on a specific site (perfect example here) and your for sale ad gets turned in to a ******** show for just trying to sell it.

You know, each of you could man up and delete your crap from Scottypyro's thread and move on with your day. It's a keystroke for the good of the community. Don't bother responding to me, I'm done here and won't be back. It's not a rig I'm looking for, but now to those who it might be they have to wade through all this crap.
I second that!!


Active member
So now back to the camper…this vintage tiger is the sweet spot of pre def, easy on the budget, expense slasher across the board. quiet diesel,plush ride,indoor shower and bath, kitchen lots of storage easy to work on, small and easy to upgrade, park, store and the capability off roading is surprising. My daily driver work truck is the same truck and it’s the best vehicle I’ve ever owned. Somebody will love this rig.
Hey Scott;

Two questions. What are you getting for highway mileage? All things being equal, does the pre-def engine get better mileage than def engine?


Ok. Third question. Licensed for pyro? I helped a licensed friend at a few shows years ago. Only the finale was electronically detonated. The main show charges were all set by hand with road flares. Surreal experience. Like Dantes Inferno. Shadowy figures in heavy smoke pierced by bright flashes of roaring light, while holding red balls of fire in their hands.

Key to remember: always touch off the slow fuse, not the fast fuse. If not, be fast, very fast. I only singed one eyebrow. ?

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