2012 Taco slow build - The Escape Pod.


We had a blizzard yesterday, and while the college kids were playing, I had to shovel and curse the snow.

But only till I was done, and then I got to go play in it. I learned a couple things - the yellow wire mod totally works. The truck climbs an icy snow covered hill like a scalded monkey. Between that and the BFG ATs I couldn't get the truck stuck despite some effort at it. I helped yank a few people out of snowbanks, and gave up a bunch of sand to unstuck this poor trucker.


In other news, thanks to this thread here, I picked up a scratch and dent fp630. It arrived in slightly worse shape than when it left the warehouse - some extra dents and a broken hinge. But, I got new parts in a couple days and everything seems to be in running order. It works great, and I'm really looking forward to using it. I need to build a shelter for it - since when I take it out, it will be riding in the bed.

I've also gotta get some wiring done. I'd like to build a relay box similar to this one, but I need to source parts. I tried to get a parts list from that guy, but he hasn't responded, so I'll just have to do it the old fashioned way - by going through the catalogs.

Anyway, I got a switch from otrattw that seems perfect :




With the start of the semester, I've been busy as hell. Plus, all the snow we've been getting means I spend an hour or so everynight shoveling when I could be working on my truck.

I've got my OME lift sitting in the garage - I just need to find time and a place to get that installed. I've had some plans, but those have fallen through for various reasons. Sucks, but so it goes.

The wife and I have been taking advantage of some after holiday sales. In particular, I found this folio at REI for 15 bucks.


The sweet thing about it though is its size. I can fit 3-4 gazetteers and other maps and crap in there easily.


There is a leather shop here in town that has a nice map bag, with a clear pocket on the outside. It's much too small for a gazetteer, but I considered having one made that size bespoke. Thing is though - it's like 200 bucks. Worth it - it's good workmanship and all that, but more than I wanted to spend at the moment.

So, when I found this, I got a bright idea. This, plus a vinyl shower curtain and some rivets, and I could have a serviceable - if not terribly fancy - map folio.

I used rivets and small washers to attach a piece of the shower curtain to the back side of the folio.


The finished product - it's not gonna win any beauty awards, but it should do well enough for 20 bucks and an hours work.


Sir Lurker

New member
Just caught up on this build. Excellent stuff! I just bought my Tacoma in October and have been looking for a build like this as a sort of, guide. Keep up the good work!


New member
hmm you have done it ver good and I am sure its more strong then other which you buy from shop. Becuase you have made it by your own. Can you please tell me how much its costs to you? I hope you have saved you money by building this grill by yourself. good work and thanks for sharing..
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I got the OME lift installed. 885s and Dakar springs in the rear. I got 2 1/4" out of it. No vibes so far, and the alignment is getting done tomorrow.



I'm pleased with the peformance - it's both more compliant and more robust than the stock suspension. It's difficult to describe.

Saturday, with luck, I'll be headed to Platteville to 4xinnovations/ArmorTech Offroad - they've made me some skids and sliders I need to pickup. It will be a bit before I get those mounted, I need to rattlecan them, and for that, I need slightly warmer weather.

Hurry up, spring!


I got the alignment done. It was pretty well screwed from doing the lift - no surprise there. The best they could do for caster was 0.7, which is workable - I had the truck up to 85 today rolling out to pick up my next project - but it does require more attentiveness to the steering. It's not terrible or anything. I'm gonna give it a few months at least and see what I think before I invest in new UCAs.

The project I picked up ?


Got the skids, too. They are beastly and not to be trifled with. I spent the day getting them all the things cleaned and prepped and primered. I was hoping to get them finished tomorrow, but I have to go into work. If that doesn't take long, I'll get the first coat on, anyway.


I got everything cleaned up and primered. It's too cold to paint - the one part I tried took far too long to dry - so I had to store everything and wait for better weather. It's just as well, I need to get some drill bits and otherwise prep the truck for mounting the sliders.



Next on the list of things to do: get a fridge box built. The fridge will ride in the bed, but I want to house it in something. I've got a couple ideas, and now that the weather is starting to warm up, its time to get prototyping. I've only got two months and change before our big trip to Overland Expo.


Still waiting for decent weather to get the skids and sliders painted and installed. We got another 8 inches of snow last night, that hopefully should be the last of it. It's been unseasonably cold and snowy the past few weeks, and I'm pretty much done with it, let me tell you.

I did get a picture of something neat, though. The line down the middle of the roof is where the support beam runs. The big square spot is the pocket or whatever where the dome light sits. Those areas aren't insulated at all - can't get to them - but the iced over areas are insulated with a layer of Mass loaded vinyl and ensolite. That has made a bit of a difference in the wind noise and comfort in the cab - I don't have to run the heater/AC as hard and I feel less fatigued after a few hours behind the wheel.


I've got a few parts on order - I'm going to have a busy few weeks leading up to expo.


New member
Hey Finlay - I'm in Madison too! I too am totally done with winter. Lots of things I want to do with my '99 4Runner (see attached). I think I've seen your truck around - do you work on campus?



Hey Finlay - I'm in Madison too! I too am totally done with winter. Lots of things I want to do with my '99 4Runner (see attached). I think I've seen your truck around - do you work on campus?

I'm sure you've seen my truck - it's kind of distinctive and I drive like a jerk. :)

I work for the UW, but not on campus, usually. But I live near there, so I pass through a lot.

That's a tidy T4R - I really like the 3rd gen. Sharp trucks.

I see in another post you're headed back to Bemidji. You should search the forum for Midwest Overland Society and get on their mailing list - they like to run in those forests up dere, ya know. Good peeps and fun, too. In fact, you should do it even if you don't move back there.


I had wanted to get one of these fuse/relay panels when they were for sale, but I was too slow and missed out. However, Dirtbound Offroad sells them as a kit. I'm posting this partly as a reference for the future - because I drink to forget - and partly because I spent a decent amount of time putting all this together and hopefully it's helpful.

The kit includes the relay panel, cover, wire seals, terminal clips, and 5 microrelays. The wire seals are incorrect, however and do not work. Also, there are no blank plugs. And lastly, the terminal clips are for 14-16 gauge wire.

So, you can buy all the parts you need at Waytekwire.com.

Relay Panel and Lid.
Terminal clips (10-12 ga)
Cavity Plugs

Here's a tip - you don't need the wire seals. The cavity plugs are hollow, and if you cut off the end, you can use those as wire seals. Since the minimum order is 50, you'll have plenty this way.

Some Pics :

The kit :

Cavity Plug / Wire seal comparison :


There exists a crimper tool for these terminals. I don't have one, so I just made do with a pair of small needlenose and crimper/strippers. I did solder the terminals. That is not strictly electrically necessary, but I did want a stronger mechanical connection since I wasn't using the correct crimper. The cavity plug is a little too long, and after I did a few, I ended up trimming the terminal end so it makes a better seal.


One thing to watch for is that you don't interfere with the terminal mating. If you cut the wires too long, or solder too much, the interface won't work and it will push the terminal back out of the panel. Yes, I learned this the hard way. :drool:


I couldn't get the terminals to retain in the panel unless I pulled the tab outwards somewhat. Even then some were fussy and took some work to get in there.


The finished project.


I'm waiting on some other parts to arrive, and warmer weather. I need to make a bracket to mount this and pull wire. I also need to make a switch panel - this guy at TW is selling them for 300 bucks - but I should be able to make one for less than that. Maybe.

This stupid winter needs to end - I am now beyond done with it.


Got my skids installed today.


Although, I had a brainfart about when doing the front skid.


See, the brackets for the factory skid need to come off, first. I can only blame the drinking.


Got the sliders painted up and started drilling holes for them. Maybe tomorrow I can get that finished up and get them mounted.


While I am at it, I should probably take a wirebrush to all the rust from this winter. The truck really took it on the chin from the freezing rain that had city crews salting every other day for the past 2 months.


I got the sliders installed today.



My wife took advantage of the nice weather to work on the kitchen and get that put together.


I took the truck apart to clean it out, and get the outlet installed in the console.


I'll get it wired up to the stock inverter later. It will be nice to have an outlet in the cab - the one in the bed is useful enough, but inconvenient at times.


So, I tore apart the dashboard today to relocate a switch - making room for the custom carling switch I got from OTRATTW. I should get the socket dremeled out later this week to make it fit.

While I had the dashboard apart, I did the 400W anytime mod (This is a good guide), and wired up the outlets I installed in console to the stock inverter. That 100w limitation is stupid, and the lack of outlets in the cab was annoying. Now I can charge my laptop (stupid 110w charger) without having to put much thought into it.


I have a little more than a month to get the truck ready for OX. Nice to have some warmer weather, finally.

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