2014 Fuso 4X4 Host Outback - SOLD


Can you please take a photo of the back of the unit. I would like to carry an adventure motorcycle along and need to know if and how a lift could be attached.


Here are three pictures that may help. I tried to show how the receiver hitch was mounted to the frame. If these are not clear enough let me know and I will take more/better ones.



New lower price - $159,000
25% below replacement cost for close to brand new vehicle. If you are considering an Earthcruiser, Earthroamer, XPCamper or similar vehicle please consider this camper as well.


Kodiak Buckaroo
No relation to seller, but I drove one of these Host rigs when it was new at Host in Bend, Oregon. With the narrow width and Duonic transmission it drove like a car in Bend rush hour traffic. I was impressed. We toured the Host factory and I was very impressed with the quality. The slideout supports, rollers, etc all look like they could support a tank crossing the Rhine. The frame is jig welded aluminum with 'roll of nickle' welds all done by humans. A huge amount of room with the sideout extended, but still a usable bed (accessible from the cab) with the slideout retracted. And under 30 seconds to open, so if you want to make a snack or used the lav on the road, no problemo.

If you want you can read my Expo Portal review from 2013 HERE

Best of luck with the sale.


New member
Saw this setup in person. Super rad. Unparalleled living space. Great price now too! Do yourself a favor and check it out!!


New member
Nice truck. I have a couple questions.

How much water does it carry?
Does it have the cassette toilet or regular toilet with a black water tank? If its a black water setup, what's that capacity?
Is adding an air conditioner on the roof still possible or is there something up there obstructing the area where the AC would go?



I believe it would be fairly easy to add AC. Below is a picture (not great due to lighting) of a simple roof vent that Host installed instead of the AC. My understanding is the vent is in the exact location they install AC. The vent is a screen covering and
crank that opens a cover to 45 degrees. So there is definitely space on the roof for it. I do not know about wiring.


New member
Wondering about the Host camper, is it really 4 seasons? i mean, if I wanted to park in a ski resort car park and sleep in it, would I either freeze my butt off, or go through two bottles of propane in one night!

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