Also, I've looked up the wiring stuff I asked about earlier, and can see the whole series & parallel thing, but what advantages does having 4 x 6V providing 450Ah @12V give, rather than having 2 x 12V providing (for example) 480Ah? Is it resilience, lower wear and tear or something else?
There's not much difference. All lead-acid batteries are just collections of 2v cells. 3 in series in a box is a 6v battery, 6 in series in a box is a 12v battery.
The main advantage of the lower voltage battery is that is has bigger 2v cells than a 12v battery of the same size and weight, which gives some benefit as regards the
Peukert Effect. I.e., you'll end up with a few more usable amp*hours for a given size load.
The main disadvantage is that you'll end up with more wiring and connections.
A secondary advantage of the bigger cells is they are more rugged in terms of being able to handle shock and vibration.
People who want to squeeze every possible watt often end up with 2v L-16 batteries (one big cell), which they rig in series to get whatever voltage they're shooting for:
Or a forklift battery (a pile of big 2v cells, usually rigged as a 48v bank):
When talking about 2 or 4 automotive size batteries, I personally don't think there's all that much difference. It just comes down to preference really.