3G4r or 1G Taco: Where to mount Mag Lite?


Wiffleball Batter
Just curious about where people have mounted mag lites. I picked up a simple set of mag lite mounts (which I was disappointed to find were plastic, not steel, but for $3.89, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised...) and am now trying to think of a place to mount it.

Right now the 3 D-Cell maglite is sitting just to the left of the driver's seat in between the seat and the door sill. Surprisingly, it's been there for a week or so and hasn't fallen out of the truck or rolled under the seat. Much as I'd like to mount it there I'm not sure I want to drill holes into the floor pan.

Any other ideas? I know a lot of you have your mag lites mounted in holders, where do you mount them?


Wiffleball Batter
I've seen people run quick fists along their seat side near the handle to lean the seat back:

I like those systems. Two questions, then:

1. How do Quick Fists attach? Do they just screw into the plastic? Or are they bolts with a nut on the other side?

2. Where do you get Quick Fists?


TRDParts4U/toyotapartsales.com has the quickfists and you could use either a nut and bolt or a screw to hold them in place. They have one flat side with a hole in it for the fastening hardware. only a couple dollars each, they also work great for shovels/axe/fire extinguisher etc.


I had a 6D Maglight mounted with those clips right below the passenger rear seat in my Extra Cab Tacoma, within arms reach. I currently have a 4D Mag stuck under the passenger seat of my 4runner but it's getting mounted with Quick Fists by the seat rail like pictured above. I'd get another 6D but couldn't think of a place to mount it in the 4R without getting in the way.

I also carry a a Surefire in the door pocket for when I need a flashlight.


Expedition Leader
Under the seat

I just slide my 3d mag under the side from the side with the door open.It doesn't fit all the way in and never moves or rattles. hth
Mine is on the floor to the left of my driver's seat. Works great.

I must have the same plastic clips....they don't work so well in freezing temperatures....one of mine snapped off.


Expedition Leader
Hate to be 'that guy' but get a far more useful (and powerful) headlamp and stick in the glovebox. Nothing like hands free, truly. If you are looking for a weapon that doubles as a flashlight, get a weapon. If you need it, you will not like the compromise. Plus, if you have a head lamp, you are hands free and weapons free all at the same time/

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/New-Expandable-Steel-Baton-Holster/dp/B002ZQ3D24/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1299556503&sr=8-2"]Multi Purpose 'tool'[/ame] in my door pocket next to the FN 5.7:

[\This thread now returns to original intent.../]


My mag's located on the interior of my rear storage box using quickfists. To be honest I never use them, I use a small LED gerber I keep upfront in my 4wd shifter boot.



New member
I put mine under my dash so I didnt have to drill any unsightly holes. I made two tabs that drop down just below the glove box and attached the maglight clips. Still gives passengers feet room and is close at hand.


I have a mag light right beside both front seats:


Drilled right through the floor:


Used some silicon and locknuts on the bottom side:


been there 5 years now with no problems.


Whatever you do, do NOT mount the thing vertically! I didn't think that through when I mounted mine right behind the seatbelt reel... was years ago now and I still need to change it. Everytime I hit a bump I get to hear 6 D cells bounce around on the spring in the flashlight.


ugh, I keep forgetting to refrain from self defense topics on the internet.

I own a gun. Several in fact. I have never needed a gun. I have rarely felt as if I might need a gun, but I keep the option available. Most of the time, I don't need anything at all. The way I see it, a relatively non-threatening guy with a flashlight at night poses little risk of unnecessarily escalating a situation, whereas a guy with a dedicated visible weapon becomes exponentially more threatening, which only leads to trouble IMO, and please take is as that, my opinion. Walking up with an very oversized yet vastly underpowered flashlight generally gives the idea of a helpful passerby, which is generally what I am... I'm more likely to run into and get in to get in an argument with someone from candlepowerforums.com than to actually use my big wimpy flashlight as anything else but what it was intended.


Wiffleball Batter
Well, I intend to use the flashlight as a .....

(...dramatic pause....)

FLASHLIGHT! :sombrero:

As for getting something different, I already own the flashlight, so I'm not going to spend $$ on something else. My love of the maglite comes not from its utility as a weapon (which I think is dubious at best) but simply because it is strong and reliable.

Also, Ideally I'd like to mount it someplace where I can reach it even if I happen to be hanging upside down in an overturned vehicle with the seatbelt on!

Anyway, you've all given me some great ideas so I'll probably go with the quick fists if I can find some. Anybody know of a local source in Denver?

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