416 coming soon. I have ?'s


My M416 build. I have ?'s

Well folks I'm about to take the plunge and buy a M416 :wings: . I spoke with the guy today and he wants $350 for it and he is throwing in two military tires and two more 416 wheels. He said it needed a new bed floor (but hey they usually do) and someone cut the back panel out to try and make it a tailgate but they did not finish it**he still has the orginal back panel they tired to use**. It has been converted over from the old lunette coupler to a "ball" type. He said that the tub is still in good shape (dent free) as are the fenders and frame. I have not seen pictures of it but its only 40 miles from where I live so I'm going to go check it out Friday morning. I will be eventually turning it into a little ExPo trailer for weekend trips to ORV's.

My questions to you guys are:

1)-Is this a good deal?
2)-can you buy a replacement bed floor from a company?
3)-If not how hard is it to fix the floor??
4)-does a company make a tailgate for a M416??
If not how hard is it to do a tailgate swap to it?
5) Is it better to have the old style lunette coupler or a 2in "ball type which it has now.
6) What size tires can fit on a M416 with the way it is now??
7) How hard is it to do a spring over and whats the max tire size the factory axle will accomodate??

Thats all I can think of for now. Any help is always appreciated as is more info.

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Lots of questions,, First, lunette is better if the parts are there,, if not and your not going to restore it,, go with a loc-n-rol type.. Weld in a 2" receiver to the A frame, or have a welder do it. Tailgates are easy to do harder to do good.. I dont know of a tailgate to buy? but might be out there somewhere.. All the sheet metal is available, a littlepricey but it is out there.. $350 and its missing alot,, Shame your not near Pa,, I've got 3 in much better shape for the same price..
Check out g503.org.. just dont tell them you'll be modifying it,, they are restorers over there,, get a little testy on tailgates being mentioned..
Hubs are 5x5.5 same as the old jeep cj's and those fit over the hub center fine.. Just change out the lug studs to a heavy style from a car.. I matched something up at an autozone.. that took regular acorn nuts.. and the spring over is easy, but adds alot of height,, what size tire do you plan to run? extra height makes them tippy.. I fit 31's with no mads and weak springs,, you can get a set of new springs and it might add some height,, these trailers have been sitting on these springs for 40+ years..
Have fun,,
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Thanks for the info. Yeah I plan on running 31 in tires for now but would like to step up to a 33 or 35 in tire in the future. What kind of tailgate fits the best on a M416????? How hard is it to add some electric brakes?? What kind of brakes should I get that would be good enough to help stop a 31 in tire??? Would Northern Tool have what I need???

I'm going to add a lid (not sure what kind I know it will be homemade) and a rack to hold a future Eezi-Awn Series 3 1600 T-Top. Thats why I need all the height I can get so the Eezi-Awn T-Top "add-a-room" and Shower Skirt fits like they should. Good thing I have some spare 1/4 steel plate at home for the floor of the tub.

Anyone have any suggestions???
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What I'm kinda thinking

Could you add a truck cap to a M416??? the reason I ask is that if the bed were covered I would have extra storage and height using a custom cap. Also a good place to put a fridge and my little brother wheelchair

I would love to be able to add a A.R.E. DCU truck cap to the m416. That would make it covered and have a rear lift 1/2 hatch (after install of a tailgate). Side access doors with storage compartments on both sides to store gear. And to top it off a comtractor rack to hold the RTT. I know I could get ARE to build me a custom lid for the M416 (if i gave then the bed deminsions) but the question is would the 416 hold it???

This is how I built my dream DCU cover

Height of your Wedge Design DCU: 23 - 29 inches **(max height of lid front-back)***
Color of your DCU: Painted To Match ** (BLACK to match truck)***
Interior of your DCU: Acrylic Fabric Liner - Complete Unit **(has reinforced doublers on the inside for added strength and a moisture barrier)***
Rear Door of your DCU: Standard 1/2
Driver Side Door Options of your DCU: Double Doors
Passenger Side Door Options of your DCU: Double Doors
Driver Side and Passenger Toolbox Options of your DCU: Standard Toolbox *(well the tool box compartment would turn into storage bins.SEE BELOW)**
Driver Side and Passenger Toolbox Shelving Options of your DCU: 15
Driver and Passenger Side Toolbox Fold-Down Shelving Options of your DCU: Fold Down Full Shelf
Front Window Option of your DCU: No Window
Lighting Option of your DCU: 10 *(= 4 amber lights in the 4corners on top of lid)**
Ladder Rack Option of your DCU: Kargo Master - Heavy Duty Rack System ** (I would cut the front part of the rack off i.e. the part that would go over the cab of a truck)** however I do not know if the sides of the rack would interfer with the Eezi-Awn...Any Suggestions???

What do you guys think??? I know its radical but hey to each his own. Only thing after that would be to add a nose box to house the 2 batteries and a polt tank up front for H20 for showers. Ohhh and I have a great Idea for a kitchen. As always suggestions are welcome.

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I would get a dexter or other utility trailer axle and use it instead of modifing the stock axle. You should be able to get it with electric brakes, any width you need, and the same bolt pattern as your S10 so you could have matching wheels and tires. Then you can always sell the org axle wheels and tires to recoup some of your $$. Good luck!


Yup get a 3500# axle from etrailerparts.com or one of the online supply shops,, They will build you exact width and either weld perches on or leave them loose for you.. and you can pick your bolt pattern..(get the straight idler axle-no bow, you wont have enough weight to worry about the bow) I saw a 416 online somewhere that had one of those nice metal utility type caps on it.. I think the bed measures the same as a toyota short box or mazda or something.. cant remember what.. The one I saw had the one big swing door in the back and a tent on top..
As for a tailgate,, best is to build it yourself or,, if you find something that fits,, search on this site or Ih8mud.com,, they have a trailer area and has lots of guys building stuff,, also check out sevenslots grill.com I think he used a tailgate off a jeep and just had to modify it a little..


Thanks Cruiser for the info. I'm going to pick up the trailer tomorrow morning at 10am CDT. I'll post pics of it when I get it home later on tomorrow.



You will have a real hard time finding anything that fits the spindle of the stock axle. I could not, so I just built my own axle. You can also have one made to 77" WMS to WMS and it is just about perfect for stock wheels. You can fit a 31" no problem with the stock axle, but there is not much room for wheel travel. When I built my axle I flipped it as well. Allot mor room, but it is about 4" higher now too. I plan on upgrading to electric brakes when it gets heavier.


Okay so just so I can get this straight check Dexter for there trailer parts i.e. hubs,electric brakes,spindals, axles,springs, right??? What is the correct length of axle I should go with??? What about spindals?? I know I'll have to find hubs that are 5x4.75 bolt pattern. What size electric brakes should I go with??? The biggest I have seen are 10 in. but I don't know if that will be good enough once I restore the 416 some and mod it to a offroad trailer.

Thanks for all the info and please keep it coming.

Thanks Again,
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Pics of the 416

It is going to take some time and some work as it need to be restored back to original or better shape. In the pics you can see how bad the bed is rusted...HOLES!!!!!!!:( . The top of the bed of the trailer (the top part where the pipe is at) is destorted in some places again :( It did however tow great. Like everyone said you really cant tell its there. But hey It has everything except the I.D. template showing its a M416. The tires are starting to dry-rott but they are holding air well and made the trip.

Here are some pics:










More pics.

Extra Set Of Wheels also in great shape


Axle Pic


R/H shock mount still in great shape


L/H Shock Mount also in good shape



Sorry and Thanks. Oh a few questions too!!

I'm not trying to show off or anything. I know its not like you guys/gals have never seen one of these things before. I'm just excited to have a new hobby and look forward to your help and comments.

I would like to say thanks to this site,everyone on it, and the companies who has inspired me enough to attempt the restore/modification of my M416. You people have helped inspire a new generation :av-7: into loving Expedition Travel and I thank you for it.

Next weekend I'm going to (if it does not rain) work on taking the tub off of the frame. Its going to be hard work seeing how much rust is on the bolts and nuts.

Other than a wire brush and some good ole' WD40 what do you folks reccomend on using to free the bolts up that hold the tub on??? How many bolts hold the tub to the frame???



I don't think anyone thinks you're showing off. Congratulations!

Looks like you have your evenings planed out now. :sombrero:

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