5th Gen Power Wagon - light bar with front camera?

Looking for an option for a light bar that will work on my 2022 PW that has a front facing camera. Hoping to lose zero field of view, or as close to zero as possible. The Randy Ellis bar looks cool (to me) but blocks most of the camera depending on what you put on it. So far the only thing I've found that works without customization is the Baja Designs linkable at roughly $2600 installed... not out of the question but doing my due diligence to see if a cheaper option exists. May end up with ditch lights. I have seen a good custom Baja Designs S8 install but I am inept with tools and fabrication so I need to find someone to pay someone to do this, and shops near me either won't install something other than spec or there's a months long waiting list for said custom options.

Any suggestions? I'm in Phoenix AZ if you know anyone. Thanks!


Well-known member
Moving &/or replacing the camera isn't an option? The best are 10% of the cost of a Baja Designs light...
Ended up having SDHQ custom mount a Baja Designs S8 light bar- it looks really good and throws a lot of light. I particularly like the amber running light look. Turns out you can put this on a power wagon and keep all the camera views unobstructed... but it is NOT CHEAP to do so. I wish I was handy and could do this kind of thing myself. Also upgraded my fog lights with the S2s. Those are better but I don't think worth the price in terms of degree of improvement vs stock.


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