6-Seat Toyota Pickups


New member
Hey guys,

I've owned a number of Toyotas/Nissans but now the family is expanding to 6 and I'm looking to get back into a pickup truck. Currently searching for a T100 as it can have the front bench for 3 and 3 seats in the rear, does anyone know of other small/older pickups that have 6 seats? Does the 1st gen Tundra ever come with 6 seats? Does anyone know if Mazda, Nissan, Ford etc. have an older pickup that seats 6?


Deleted member 9101

The first gen Tundra coild be had with a bench seat, but only in the regular and access cab IIRC.

The back seat on a T100 is pretty small with very little leg room.

You have always been able to get bench seats on domestic trucks.


New member
I'm not too worried about a back seat size as my boys are 7, 5, 4, and #4 is due in February. Will be used mainly to get to remote lakes, hiking trails, ski hills, yard work/moving, etc. I don't want a large domestic truck, but i think the older rangers may be able to get a bench seat in the front and 3 in the rear? Not 100% sure. Thanks for the response! I will look into the tundras


I think you could get the quad cab Dakota with bench seats. The Rangers only came in access cab and they had bench seats where you have to sit sideways.


The first gen Tundra could be had with a bench seat, but only in the regular and access cab IIRC.

First Gen Tundra Double Cab is also available with front bench seat and rear bench seat and can seat 6 (not available in the Limited/Leather package though). The Double cabs with front bench seat are much harder to find, but they are out there.

First gen Nissan Titan Double Cab can also be found with front and rear bench seats and can seat 6. Also a bit harder to find as well.

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