I recently did a 2 night fishing/rec. kayaking trip down the river, camping on the gravel bars and fishing from the boat and banks by day. Had a great time, but need to work on my food/water management. I ran out of water and had to bum some from my buddy, I took enough for a normal person, but I drink above normal water amounts and ran out just near the end.
I freeze my water in Nalgene bottles and pack with meat or items that need to be kept cold, but the water melted quicker than I thought in the softside cooler. And the hardside cooler didn't fair much better and will be left behind next time as it was a cumbersome stow among the other gear.
What do some you all do for water on overnight boating trips and how to you manage keeping items cold? Water filters? I assume most use softside coolers, but I thought about making my own with some double wall insulation.
I tend to boat when the weather is warm, so keeping stuff cold is more of a challenge.
I freeze my water in Nalgene bottles and pack with meat or items that need to be kept cold, but the water melted quicker than I thought in the softside cooler. And the hardside cooler didn't fair much better and will be left behind next time as it was a cumbersome stow among the other gear.
What do some you all do for water on overnight boating trips and how to you manage keeping items cold? Water filters? I assume most use softside coolers, but I thought about making my own with some double wall insulation.
I tend to boat when the weather is warm, so keeping stuff cold is more of a challenge.