72 Bug, Baja for the road


Well-known member
Looks great! I'd leave it green and white with a wood rim steering wheel, but that's just me. I'm sure it'll look good regardless.


LOL, sorry have not updated in a while. Got very busy at work the past few weeks and have not been doing jack on the bug at all, not in a big rush at the moment had to cancel my trip anyway so have more time. Also I am getting a new bike that will need a little work, so holding off on painting until I can go get the bike so I can paint it at the same time, this saves me setting up a paint booth twice and gonna use the same paint on both so save me cost there too. I will prep and shoot the bug and the bike at the same time so get two birds with one stone kinda deal, I plan to get a small trailer to pull the bike behind the Bug so having them color matched will really cool I think.

Will do lot of traveling and camping so put the bike and tent and stuff on the trailer drive to the destination, then use the bike to explore the area. Might even get a second bike that is dual sport so can get off road on it too.

Oh the Bike is a 1986 Honda NightHawk 700S

it's stuck in 6th gear right now so gotta do a little mechanical work while the paint is drying and color sanding and stuff.


Well been a crazy year for me, lots of personal issues and junk making life hard and put a lot of stuff to the side and this project was one of them. However I am slowly getting back to my old self and motivation is building in me again. I did put a little fiberglass on the front hood last week but have not sanded it yet, been trying to get myself back out in the shop now that it has cooled off. Money is tight to get supplies and sandpaper and stuff but really would like to get it ready for paint as much as I can. Got a lot to do on it but really need to clean out the shop and re-organize so I can take inventory of parts and see where I left off.

Progress will commence again soon......


Updates, or are you still distracted by the two wheeler?

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lol Busted....been working on paint on the bike, but should have it finished up this weekend. Also my buddy that helps ma and helps push me got a new job so is back on day shift so he will help motivate me.....or just drink up all my beer!!

There could be a complication to all this, I have decided I want a boat and have a good line on one now, of course it needs "some" work like anything I get but got to have some downtime fun with the kids, cant spend all my off time in the garage right??

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