'94 Toyota Pickup build


To help find a potential vacuum leak, with the engine running use a can of intake cleaner and spray around the base of the intake/t-body/vac lines/etc... the idle will fluctuate when you spray the problem area.

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Great tip Simons, I attempted this with starting fluid last night but I couldn't find any leaks. Ill give it a try with the carb cleaner tonight. If I still have nothing, I plan on getting a better plenum gasket. It was metal before and the new one i put in was a flimsy cardboard. Thinking it may of tore on re-installation. We will see, and I will keep updating here. Thank you everyone for chiming in with tips Good to know there is a strong community here! I get a bunch of $h1t talkers over at yotatech. :beer::beer:
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Yesterday i purchased a Wildernest here in Seattle for $350. It needs some fiberglass patch work, hatch glass, paint, and a good cleaning. For as dificult as it has been for me to find one of these and get before its sold, I dont mind the additional project. Tonight ill be working on the gasket on the truck, and ill be building a base with wheels for the wildernest making it easier to menuver in and out of the garage. Photos to come.

CL add photos




Wildernest is home

The Wildernest has landed. Picked it up this evening from Shawn (fellow Toyota guy / expedition portal-er) in Greenlake. Its a little rough around the edges. Literally, because before Shawn, someone coated with bed liner. It will be a bit of a project over the winter, but I'm stoked to have it for the spring. Now i have a project within a project. :oops:

Check her out..


Just a note about the gears. You may want to check and see what you have before you buy anything. There's a chance you already have 4.88's. IIR, for most of these the v6 auto came with either 4.37 gears (with the p225/75 tires) or 4.88 with the 31's. The v6 manual came with 4.10's (p225's) and 4.56 for the 31's. Easiest way to check is just jack up one tire, spin it and count driveshaft revolutions, then multiply by .2. Example, spin the tire 10 revs, if the driveshaft goes around 20.5 times you have 4.10's, goes around 24.5 times you have 4.88's, etc.
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Just a note about the gears. You may want to check and see what you have before you buy anything. There's a chance you already have 4.88's. IIR, for most of these the v6 auto came with either 4.37 gears (with the p225/75 tires) or 4.88 with the 31's. The v6 manual came with 4.10's (p225's) and 4.56 for the 31's. Easiest way to check is just jack up one tire, spin it and count driveshaft revolutions, then multiply by .2. Example, spin the tire 10 revs, if the driveshaft goes around 20.5 times you have 4.10's, goes around 24.5 times you have 4.88's, etc.

Thanks for the tip dude. Ill give that a shot soon. I thought i decoded the door sticker correctly and they are not, however, I will give this a go as well. Doesn't hurt to double check.


Tonight I built a rolling base for the wildernest. This will make it easy to maneuver in and out of the garage while I work on it. Since the thing is so damn heavy, I also installed a hand winch on my garage rafter to lift the wildernest off of the truck and onto the base. Worked out really well aside from the ratio of the winch being 40:1. Had to crank the hell out of that thing to get it to move even slightly. Could of went the electric route, but this was more cost effective, and you know I'm all about saving cash.

As far as the restoration goes, I'm not sure to what degree I am going to take it. Obviously repairs, window, and paint, but I'm not sure I want to spend hours and hours removing the bed liner. May just paint over it. what are your guys' thoughts? Considering replacing the whole tent but ill probably try and clean the existing one first.







Also picked up some machined ball joint spacers for $30 from offer up. Came with rear blocks and trash hardware that i probably wont use.




Just a note about the gears. You may want to check and see what you have before you buy anything. There's a chance you already have 4.88's. IIR, for most of these the v6 auto came with either 4.37 gears (with the p225/75 tires) or 4.88 with the 31's. The v6 manual came with 4.10's (p225's) and 4.56 for the 31's. Easiest way to check is just jack up one tire, spin it and count driveshaft revolutions, then multiply by .2. Example, spin the tire 10 revs, if the driveshaft goes around 20.5 times you have 4.10's, goes around 24.5 times you have 4.88's, etc.

Spot on detail.

If it's an auto, I'd put 5.29's in it for 33's. The 3.0 prefers to rev. And the 529's will help make up for the extra weight you are adding.

Ran 4.88's in a 94 4runner v6/5 speed... Would have been just fine w/ 5.29's
That wildernest looks dumb on your tuck. Your probably sell it to me instead :) jk. Looks good man. I'm a dirt bagger too. 92 single cab 22re. You can find your gear ratio by looking on the door jam sticker as well. But this only works if they haven't been swapped. But it's easier than jacking up a tire. Swapping a rear diff is a cake walk. Go for it.

I've heard of and done the atf in the motor thing. No massive difference but in my head it helped.

Enjoy your truck bud!


Sanding off that bed liner does not seem like a pleasant task. Maybe some heat and a sharp scraper razor could get underneath and peel most of it off?


Captain Obvious
Spot on detail.

If it's an auto, I'd put 5.29's in it for 33's. The 3.0 prefers to rev. And the 529's will help make up for the extra weight you are adding.

Ran 4.88's in a 94 4runner v6/5 speed... Would have been just fine w/ 5.29's

Seems a little high... That'd put you at 2700rpm in 4th gear at 70mph.

Unless the 3VZ really needs to rev that high to keep it moving at that speed.

(Don't mind me... Just the ramblings of a keyboard warrior :smiley_drive:)


Shes running smooth

Well boys, turns out when you've had a few beers and you're putting together engine components, you may miss some things. Like massive cracks in the intake hose. Anyway, she's all better now. Temporarily fixed it with RTV and electrical tape. Haven't decided whether or not to purchase a new one for $45 or do the intake silencer delete mod.


Made a little more progress on the wildernest. I've got it completely deconstructed now. Going to start in on removing the bed liner this week. After that ill be repairing the wood and fiberglass damage. Still toying with the idea of canvas replacement. Reached out to about 10 boat and canvas shops locally. No one wants to touch it. One guy said he did one about 20 years ago and he would never touch one again. Not sure why, it seems pretty straight forward compared to modern day tents. May be stuck with the original or shell out $1300 to camper replacements.
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Back with an update!

Got tired of looking for a decent set of used tires for a fair price. Here's every craigslist ad for tires:

Used BFG KO2's. Tires are honestly in great shape, plenty of life left with over 1/32 remaining! $700.

So i caved and bought a new set of 33 12.5 R15 Falken AT3W's. Came in at just over $600. I've only read great reviews on these tires. From the sounds of it they perform excellent in wet and snowy conditions, which was the main selling point for me. Tires are a lot bigger and tread is a lot deeper in person than they seem online. Super stoked to get these mounted!



Picked up a new set of ProComp add a leaf springs for the rear. For $35 shipped. Figured it was worth a try for the lift and added stiffness for the Wildernest weight.


Last but not least. I caved and bought the amber LightForce covers. No way i was finding these used. Expensive for what they are at $25 a piece. Beam is much brighter now that it isn't shining through a painted lens. Pretty happy with them.



Making some progress on the Wildernest. metal spatula and heat gun have worked the best thus far.


Truck still isn't running so great. If you've got any suggestions, I'm all ears. Check out my yotatech thread for the symptoms.


Thanks for following along! :friday:
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