A girl with an idea, coming to fruition


Watching the Paint Dry!

I got the trailer home and into the neighbor's garage.....paint booth. I went with black on everything except the rear cupboard and oven. Eventually the utility box will be whatever color the new Jeep I purchase is, but that won't be until fall at the earliest. I did get the tail lights moved as well. I didn't get to take it out Mother's Day weekend, but we are absolutely taking it out on it's first trip the first week of July so now I really need to get things wrapped up!





First time using a paint gun....I'm not afraid to get a little dirty!


Looking at you design, you better load some pretty heavy stuff in the front of the trailer otherwise it will want to fish tail all over the place......


Looking at you design, you better load some pretty heavy stuff in the front of the trailer otherwise it will want to fish tail all over the place......

Enough water, tents, canopies, ice chests for 4 - 6 people should add enough weight. There isn't a whole lot of weight in the rear.

Mark Harley

Expedition Leader
Love the build Good choice on moving the taillights. Watch the black paint gets very hot in the sun.
Very cool flip flop spray pattern too!
Looking forward to more good ideas.


Well-known member
I'm digging the trailer. I like the fact that your toe nails match the stove and your were wearing flip flops when you painted.


Well, we got about an hour from home when the husband's XJ decided that all of the work to the cooling system wasn't quite enough. Here she is loaded up and cooling off.



I love those oven stove combos. But I'm curious, aren't you concerned about getting a lot of dust in your kitchen stove?
IIRC Arrriiiiizzzoooonnnnaaaaaa has a lot of that dust stuff.

I like your idea and think a wooden, or metal, weather sealed box with your kitchen inside would make a world of difference to how much cleaning is required.
AND, the box would give you a way to attach tables and other cooking equipment to your kitchen.

Here's an idea for your trailer build I'd like to share with you that you might like
Back years ago when I was pushing a Power Company Line Crew I made a small BBQ grill that fit in a receiver hitch I mounted on the side of the truck.
It was propane powered to save us the time it took waiting for the coals to cool before packing up and kept our storage area clean.
We used those small 1 lb propane cans too keep the Gov. Safety Nazis off our backs about large quantity hazardous items on the truck.

All that to say, if you get one of those little Hibachi Grills then add some lava rock , and get your brother to add a 1 1/5 trailer hitch to it and receiver hitch on your trailer at your preferred location, then convert it to propane, you would be fighting off un invited guest at your camp site. Best part is clean up is a breeze!

Looking good and let's hope the Hubby gets on board with this.


We mounted a shelf to a fender, which is nothing more than a piece of scrap with two nuts welded under the fender with bolts/washers holding it on. It's covered in a flannel backed vinyl table cloth. A small propane grill sits on it.

I have a bar height table with sink/faucet mounted on it that sets up next to the kitchen area as well. An Easy Up canopy with detachable walls (two with windows) will be set up over it all when we are set up.

The stove/oven combo is covered with a camp chef cover specifically made for it, with the bottom cut out so it could mount over the oven combo. Works great. The cupboard is filled with bins with lids. All of the little extra holes were sealed up with the exception of two small ones in the bottom that will get plugs so any water can drain out. It will be dust free enough....enough being the key phrase.

Still waiting for the maiden voyage....XJ cooling issues grounded me.

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