A Long Road Trip. From Tennessee to Argentina.

I can't wait until we can drop out like this for a while. I have only done one extended trip in Mexico, a two week baja tour, and loved every minute of it. Traveled all over, turning back at La Paz. Did you drive back north to get to mainland Mexico or is the fairy operating again that crosses the bay? Also, curious why you created a separate thread about your gear on the trip? Is it to keep this exclusively about the trip? Seems that trials and tribulations are just part of the journey. I will keep checking in and hope you all have a great journey.

Baja rocks! We're loving mainland as well. We crossed on the TMC ferry(cargo ferry) at La Paz. We started the camper/gear thread a while before we left and the in progress adventures seemed to be the spot for this thread. Dropping out for a bit is the bomb. Enjoy it! Thanks for following along!


New member
We are headed that way in September with a slightly different mode of transport. We're flying a small bushplane down to South America! I like to call it 'over-the-land' travel :)
I've been browsing these forums trying to get some travel info for Central/South America, also, I like reading about overland expeditions having done one myself with a Landrover in Africa years ago.
Safe travels.
We are headed that way in September with a slightly different mode of transport. We're flying a small bushplane down to South America! I like to call it 'over-the-land' travel :)
I've been browsing these forums trying to get some travel info for Central/South America, also, I like reading about overland expeditions having done one myself with a Landrover in Africa years ago.
Safe travels.
Whoa! Now thats an awesome and very original trip! We'd love to keep up with your travels if you decide to start a thread or have a blog. Safe travels to you!
The Rest of Baja

After a few months on the coast we headed inland.There were several things that we didn't even realize we'd been missing on this trip; mountains, fresh water and quiet. After a long drive down a dusty dirt road, we arrived to find an almost deserted campground nestled in a mountain valley with a stream running near by.

IMG_9326 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_9306 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_9374 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Our final stop in Baja is Playa San Peditro near El Pescadero. We were here for 3 weeks waiting on our truck parts to come in. So long that we started to landscape our boon docking camp spot, complete with a shower stall:)

IMG_9671 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_9815 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_9889 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_9911-1 by Here Until There, on Flickr

We sat still for long that we met several other Pan Am travelers that were passing through.

IMG_9573 by Here Until There, on Flickr

https://theglobetrol.com http://travelamateurs.com https://www.facebook.com/Kočovníci-kočovní-208771122799495/?fref=ts

IMG_9621 by Here Until There, on Flickr
1457560615699 by Here Until There, on Flickr

http://thenextbigadventure.net http://www.vagabroads.com

When our parts finally came in we had the task of taking off taking off the camper, which was made monumentally more difficult by the giant dent above the wheel that obstructed the front left jack.

1457048898081 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Surprisingly they got our truck back to us a week ahead of schedule.The shop did an amazing job.

1457563564855-1 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Finally our truck was fixed and we wasted no time driving to La Paz and catching the ferry.


Hello mainland Mexico!


Mainland Mexico Part 1

Even though we know better, we've let the warnings of a few and the sensationalized media stories of violence and crime in mainland Mexico seep into our subconscious.
We disembark from the ferry and after only a few minutes of driving the first thing we notice is how lush the landscape is. Palm trees tower over us, vivid flowers of every hue line the streets and there's grass; green, glorious grass. It's almost a shock to the eyes after being in the desert for months.

1461358803869 by Here Until There, on Flickr

The second thing we notice is that no one notices us. No one is suspiciously eyeing our vehicle and the local police don't try to extort money from us. After restocking we head out of the city and are soon on an uninhabited dirt road. Surprisingly there's no makeshift road blocks or bandits hiding in the shadows.

Our first few nights of camping our spent boon-docking with friends in front of a restaurant on Stone Island, near Mazatlan.

IMG_0288 by Here Until There, on Flickr

On our third night at camp three early-twenty-something Mexican men show up. Astonishingly they don't harass or rob us; instead they join us around our fire. We share our beer. They share their rum. They sing along to our music, knowing more words than I do. Everyone stumbles through conversations using their limited vocabulary. With every passing moment I'm becoming aware of the ineptitude of my Spanish language skills. It was never really an issue in Baja, because lots of people spoke English and, unfortunately, no locals ever came to join us around our numerous campfires.The night ends with an impromptu dance party, we say our goodbyes and they go to sleep behind us in the palm frond lean too they built earlier that day. When we wake up the next morning they're gone, instead of stealing all our belongings, they have placed the chairs we let them borrow back under our canopy and picked up the trash.

IMG_0291 by Here Until There, on Flickr

What follows these first few nights is 4 months of driving through some of the most diverse, beautiful landscapes we ever seen and encountering some of the most welcoming and kind people we've ever met

Some of our favorites shots and places during the first few months of Mainland Mexico.

Not happy with the camping option in San Pancho we boon-docked on the street in front of a park.

DSC_0087 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_0785 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Incredible little town with great food

Mezcal Punch

IMG_0795 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Barracuda Tacos

IMG_0800 by Here Until There, on Flickr

IMG_0788 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Baby sea turtle release

IMG_0704 by Here Until There, on Flickr

La Manzanilla

IMG_1120 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1086 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1122 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1201 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Laguna de La Maria

IMG_1224 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1230 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1292 by Here Until There, on Flickr

Volcán de Fuego

IMG_1334 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1335 by Here Until There, on Flickr


IMG_1487 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1545 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1472 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1522 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1463 by Here Until There, on Flickr

IMG_1815 by Here Until There, on Flickr
IMG_1633 by Here Until There, on Flickr



New member
Nice post, we are following you on instagram. We leave in September for our over-the-land trip in 'Emcinco'.
Perhaps we could intercept in CenAm some place.


New member
its been great following ya'll on Instagram and here, keep posting. I used to live in Knoxville and that makes this adventure of yours all the more interesting. I think I'll be doing my first big trip soon, AK to NC.

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