ADV80 goes from Desert 2 Mountains in Southern California Nov 29-30, 2008



NOV 28th: The ADV80 rig is getting loaded and ready to go!!! Work has been just crazy [it's a good thing!] but I need to get out!!! It seems like two or three months since the last outing, but I looked and it was just last month that we got out, but that weekend just seems so long ago!


Kona was putting in her bid for the back seat, but unfortunately for her, she's staying home on this trip to keep the wife and older daughter company... sounds like a good excuse....


Packed and loaded. As I reflect back, each trip is a learning experience in what to bring, what is needed and how to pack.

Note #1: Don't put charcoal bricks in zip-lock bag and place in same box as Cheezit's in another zip-lock bag. One taste of those Cheezit's relegated them to nothing more than Ninja throwing stars.

Note #2: Things in boxes, if box is not completely filled to the top items in box will also catch a little air, in the box. Found that out on a few yumps in the desert as we where in rally-mode a few times.


Me and Lexi ready to GO! Roxy, oldest daughter was not in the mood to go this time... Lexi, 9-yrs young is GAME! But the sun was in her eyes so she was not so happy with that! hehehe


Give her the big smooch just to liven things up a bit! I thought it was funny, wife thought it was funny. Lexi, ......


AH-DAD!!! Why'd ya have to do that!? hehehe OK, we are OFF!


It was already like 10:30/11:00 leaving and we wanted to get out to where my buddy John Schultz was camping out in the desert. But we did have a little side-trip planned as we were going to cut off the 395 travel through El Mirage and go out the backside.


The SCTA sign at El Mirage. Once I got finished taking my "tourist" photos I pulled out onto the road and noticed something very dramatic! PAVEMENT!!! The El Mirage road has been PAVED! And a massive line at what is a massive brick building with fences and GATES!!! We get up to the front of the line and there are FEES!$!$!$

Nope! NO way - I did not come to the desert for this! We pull out and look for alternate plans for our route.


So, we decided instead on going back out to the highway, we would take the "Long Away Around" Edwards Airforce Base. Basically we where headed in the direction of the 14FWY from El Mirage and would use surface streets to get around the base and then hop back on dirt roads. We came across this aircraft nose cone at some intersection, like E Ave J and 215th Street or one of the many intersection in the stretch across from El Mirage toward Lancaster. Time was not of abundance and we had a ways to go still to make it out to NE corner of California City.


Another one of those random finds in the stretch across from El Mirage toward Lancaster.



Edwards Air Force Flight Test Center sign at 140th St E & East Avenue E on the Lancaster side.


We thought we would see about making a cut through the desert and we got off at California City Blvd from the 58FWY. We drove over the hill, looked in an easterly direction and said, "yea, looks good for a lunch spot" and our conversation was about how open the desert is and how the settlers came through here and how the Indian's lived here and how finding food to live off this land must be hard to do. We talked about the "Survivor Man" show too. It was a couple of days after Thanksgiving, but we are very thankful for our ice cooler and store bought ready-made food. Hawaiian Bread with Ham slices folded four ways and laid in the bread.

After our little late lunch, we loaded and headed across the desert toward yonderway of which we quickly found out would take us too long to get to where we wanted to be for the night. But, the road and skirting the mud-puddles was rather fun. Lexi especially liked when we hit the one puddle that came up and over the whole front of the truck. I was having rally flash-backs!

The Cruiser is not a pre-runner or a rally car, nor the long-travel suspension desert beast. It is a do-it-all as long as it's done respectful of the equipment which means NO JUMPING which is all as well... it's not a rally car or a Dakar race-prepped desert truck... BUT WE LOVE OUR L-Cruiser!

In route to our camp location, John gave me some directions off 29 Mule Team Rd just off the 395, and then he said look for the banner...

Desert marker - turn here>


John was at the HWY waiting for us and lead us into camp - THANKS DUDE!!! BUT DUDE! WHEREZ MY BIKE!?!?!?!


We got our tent set up and went out for a quick loop to see the old mine. The ADV80 sitting next to a mine shaft in NE California City.


ADV80 sitting in the sun-set.


Then night fall and fireworks went up... Those neighbors... I missed shooting the really good stuff as I was in amazement as to the amount and size of fireworks they had! DISNEYLAND STATUS! But these guys where a bit on the wild side and fireworks started going sideways and all kinds of ways aside from straight up.

This wasn't the Overland Adventure fully self-supported weekend that we had hoped for, but did throw out the tent and rough it next to all the motorhomes. It was kinda'funny as a couple of guys came over to watch my daughter and I pitch the tent.


Camp Ninja
A great trip report as usual. You know, one of these days we're gonna have to take a trip together and this time I won't have anything to fall off of...again...and again...and again. :bike_rider:


Next morning, we where up and out early as we wanted to cover some ground today both in the desert and up to the mountains.


Just North of the 58 / West of the Solar Plant - We trekked down here through the desert on dirt roads. Lexi was doing the driving.


We climbed up this little ridge so we could get a visual - as we thought we may be closer to our end-point... Not so, maybe the next ridge will...


Yea, we encountered some mud-puddles along the way. I'm sure I will hate cleaning this later!




Solar Plant NW of the 395 58FWY intersection.


You could feel the heat coming off the reflection spots and you can see the shadow of the fence as the panels reflect light onto the truck.

From here, we are cutting across land via the 58-FWY toward Barstow:

Hey Thad, check this out!


Look at that roof-rack! You need that!


Yea, you so need that roof rack!!! Heck, I need that for my ADV80!!!

From Barstow we head into Big Bear via the 247-FWY to HWY-18.


Looking back out toward Lucerne Valley from HWY-18, as we head up to Big Bear.


HWY18 towards Big Bear.


Another look back out toward Lucerne Valley from HWY-18, as we head up to Big Bear - a bit further up the road - TWISTY-TARMAC!!!



Cushenbury Grade Summit - Big Bear, California


We gave the ADV80 [FJ80 with 3FE Engine] a little break up on the Cushenbury Grade Summit as the climb up is STEEP! I think all the '91-'92 FJ80 fans will know what I am talking about... Not that the thermometer moved, it's just a strain on the motor/tranny to hold a "normal" speed going up the pass.


We made our way around Big Bear Lake and are now going up the right side of Snow Summit Ski Lift Area. Lexi spotted the snow and is excited to spend some time playing in some early snow!


And she gets her wish!


She built her snow-critter.


Custom field-op's wheel balancing material installed on the stock ADV80 wheel for smooth operation. I've been very happy with these Dunlop A/T Radial Rover 31" tires.


An awesome view from the Big Bear mountain side looking south-west towards the slightly snow covered San Gorgonio Mountains.

Got to add this to my hiking list to do: San Bernardino Peak Divide Trail


Santa Ana River Trail 2E03

This trail head / crossing is located on the Mill Creek / Middle Control Rd. I can't seem to find anything about this trail in detail - just yet!


Mill Creek / Middle Control Rd. San Bernardino County, Ca.


This little waterfall is located on the Mill Creek / Middle Control Rd. San Bernardino County, Ca.
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One more mountain to go over and we are home. We are driving West on Riverside Drive next to Lake Elsinore. We drive from Big Bear to here basically on the HWY74 and HWY79 to avoid all the Sunday Holiday freeway traffic as it can/is horrible.
This hill will also be our last little piece of dirt-road we get to hit. After two days of camping food, Lexi is ready for something recognizable and Wendy's fits the dinner bill.


A look back at two peaks as we make our last climb to the coast. It was a cool feeling to know that we had driven from over those mountains from the desert and yet as we climb our last climb, Lexi is snacking on her favorite chicken nuggets, talking about our next trip!

This trip: 530+ miles - GREAT WEEKEND!!!
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Great pics and writeup, looks like a fun time!

GCRad1 said:

This little waterfall is located on the Mill Creek / Middle Control Rd. San Bernardino County, Ca.

Amazing ... this is the exact spot I was standing in when I turned around, got lucky and caught this guy on new year's day. Not a lot of eagles around here - an early sign that it would be a great year!


This is the first dirt road my truck ever did ... :) now my favorite detour between Seven Oaks and Angelus Oaks.

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