Adventure Nanny?


This year three families, including mine, all camped for a week at GSMNP. Six kids, six parents and two extra adult friends who don't have children. The 2016 trip is a three week epic adventure driving from Texas to Tetons, Yellowstone and Glacier. The camp this year was great and the kids (ages 3-7) were awesome, and we all did a great team effort with the kids (also making sure couples had some alone moments and breaks). However, the discussion of hiring someone to bring with us to help with the kids came up. We have enough gear to outfit someone with their own tent, she would eat with us, etc, so that isn't a problem, but what are the chances someone would take on a 3-week job like that? Has anyone done this before? I live in a college town so my thought was to find a college girl who would enjoy a 3-week adventure and make some money (paid into by the three families).


If you live in a college town you could find someone easy. Some college aged kid getting paid to go on a three week adventure and help out with kids? Yeah, no problem at all finding one.

Amy H

Yep, someone would do this. I would look on for a nanny by placing an ad. Most of the people on there are background checked & have references.


Just curious why a " girl" specific ?????? Hmmm
Hey to each ther own
Mike ********

It has been my experience that girls are more likely than boys to be babysitters as teenagers and often continue while they are in college, sometimes even working as part-time nannies before graduating. So my first inclination would be a girl, but it could be a guy.


Expedition Leader
Dude if I was in College still I'd hit you up on this!

I am from a family of 5 kids. Every year we go to Big Bear Lake in Southern CA for about a week. Two other families used to join us and we'd have about 10-12 kids and some parents. Every year we brought up Erin who was our neighbor and baby sitter. She usually brought a friend to help since there were so many kids and from what I remember she loved it.

In addition to that, My older sister was a nanny for a family in Fort Collins when she was in College and she would go on the family vacations. Went camping in Oregon for a week among numerous other trips.

Also, my little bro did/does the same thing as my sis. But he is considered a "manny".

I'd also suggest a female as they are more motherly....but if you have 3 boys as your kids then you might want to look for a would be way more fun for your kids.

Try like stated above or if your local college has a nursing program or something similar I'd give that a shot and post up some flyers. You're bound to find someone....oh and if she loves the outdoors and is cute give her my number!!

Good luck.

fog cutter

....oh and if she loves the outdoors and is cute give her my number!!

it's that seemingly harmless mentality that is going to cost someone their marriage, house, job, and will be paying that girl's tuition through grad school.

all she has to say is "daddy, he was watching me pee ..." and it's all over. bad idea.


Personaly if I was to hire somebody to baby sit in a camp ground while I was away,over a three week period, I would want a man and and an armed one.


Expedition Leader
Lol, my wife would do this now, and our kids are all in their teens :-
She loves kids, loves to camp


We had an au pair for a year a while ago, and we took her on vacations with us... you must be very clear about expectations, when they are "working" and when they are "off" etc.
While it can be done, have you considered simply setting up a rotation with the other parents? Can any of the older kids help with wrangling the younger ones? This can be very valuable family time - may be a shame to outsource it.

Just my $.02


We had an au pair for a year a while ago, and we took her on vacations with us... you must be very clear about expectations, when they are "working" and when they are "off" etc.
While it can be done, have you considered simply setting up a rotation with the other parents? Can any of the older kids help with wrangling the younger ones? This can be very valuable family time - may be a shame to outsource it.

Just my $.02

It is valuable time, that's why we do such things and we (the group parents) do a good job helping out as a group as we are camping together. The point isn't walking away but just having a little extra help. Regardless, as much fun as we've (family groups going on the trip) have had talking about it, I doubt we'll hire someone.

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