Affordable Expeditionary Storage - Stackers - Maxing Out


Expeditionary travel requires storage, and the way you solve the storage problem depends on how much money you want to spend, and what fits inside your vehicle.

If you get lucky, you will discover affordable storage containers that fit exactly in the available space. There is no wasted space, the storage contains are an exact fit, they are light and rugged, and they are inexpensive.

As I modified my truck for expeditionary travel, I built a platform that goes from wing to wing on my Land Rover. The height of the wings determines the height of the storage that fits under the platform. The platform height is approximately 8 3/4 inches. At Sportmans's Warehouse, I discovered Stackers made by Coleman. It just so happens that the Stackers fit perfectly under the platform that I constructed. The length of the Stackers is just right so that I can get four of them under the platform. The Stackers furthest forward under the platform will be for deep storage. The Stackers at the back of platform are for things we use every day.


The Stackers fit like a glove. There is just enough clearance that the Stackers slide in and out easily, and at the same time, the fit is tight enough that the Stackers will not be moving around going walkabout under the platform.

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The Stackers fit like a hand in a glove.

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The top of the Stacker has a lip on it that serves two purposes. First, the lip makes it possible for the Stackers to be stacked on top of each other. The Stackers also create a great work surface when you pull them out and set them on the ground or on a chair. When you remove the lid from the Stackers, you have a tray that you can carry to your favorite chair and eat your meal. Or you can carry the lid/tray wherever there is a great view to eat your meal.

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Another view of the Stacker viewing the tray/lid at a different angle.

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This is what the inside of the Stacker looks like with the lid off. It is water tight, and could be used to wash dishes if you wanted. The Stacker is insulated as well, but the walls are not so thick that you lose much space to the insulation.

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Two Stackers on top of each other.

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Four Stackers on top of each other. This creates a convenient work surface at table height if you want to pull all four Stackers out from under the platform.

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Stacker under the left side of the platform.

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Stacker under the right side of the platform.

Stackers cost about twenty dollars depending on where you get them. Sportsman's Warehouse and REI both carry them, although you may have to order them for free delivery to the store where you can drop by and pick them up.

The Stackers keep out the dust, they are light, and the price is right. We have four of them under our platform in the back of the vehicle. I am considering carrying four of them on the Brownchurch roof rack as well. Four of them are a near exact fit when lined up across the roof rack. If I put them on the roof rack, I will make up some zippered covers for the Stackers, and then fasten them in place with bungee straps.

Four Stackers under the platform only cost eighty dollars. Four Stackers on the roof rack are another eighty dollars. That's storage that I can afford.
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The Credible Hulk
Nice find, I need to get my platform measured but those just might work for me. I like how square they are, no wasted space. And they'll be durable, too.


Nice find, I need to get my platform measured but those just might work for me. I like how square they are, no wasted space. And they'll be durable, too.

They are very strong for their light weight. The should be able to take a real beating and survive.


The Credible Hulk
If you get a chance, can you measure the height without the lid? I may be forced to use like a drawer sans lid due to vertical space limitations...

Abel Villesca

Thanks for sharing this. I was looking for something like it to slide under the platform in my truck. These might make my bannana boxes obsolete :sombrero:

Desert Dan

I use those in my Jeep under the rear platform. One for food, one for pots, pans and small stove and I have a cooler the same size.


The Credible Hulk
Thanks! I measured the platform last night and I actually have 9" of vertical clearance, but that is useful info anyway. I ordered a couple from, $19.99 and free shipping. I think these will be a lot better than some of the plastic tubs I have been contemplating. In a perfect world they would be longer; I have room for about 35" of length, but I'm sure I can find some use for that extra foot or so of space.
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Expedition Leader
Thank you for the excellent write-up and illuminating pictures. I love expo-bling storage cases, but honestly can't justify spending $800-1000.00 for storage.

Having abused two polyethelene coleman blue coolers, and one classic steel bodied one for about 8 years, I have no doubt that these might prove to be just the ticket for us. Cheers!


I really tried to avoid making drawers for my cargo system in the Landcruiser, but I couldn't find containers to fit. IMHO, drawers add a lot of weight and waste a good deal of space. They look nice, but you can't see mine with the tailgate up anyway. Provided they fit well, plastic containers are simpler, cheaper, and work better. If I ever locate containers that fit well, I will actually replace the drawers with containers.

Nice work.


I really tried to avoid making drawers for my cargo system in the Landcruiser, but I couldn't find containers to fit. IMHO, drawers add a lot of weight and waste a good deal of space. They look nice, but you can't see mine with the tailgate up anyway. Provided they fit well, plastic containers are simpler, cheaper, and work better. If I ever locate containers that fit well, I will actually replace the drawers with containers.

Have you looked into the containers that are made to slide under a bed. My wife uses them to store her "extra" shoes. When we head out on trips I dump the shoes on the bed and use the containers for camping storage.

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