Gobi Stealth + Shadow Awn installation notes
I've been building up my JKUR over the past year as an overlanding platform. My most recent mod was the RTT and awning. For those interested in this configuration, below are my install notes/pics for the Shadow Awn and Gobi stealth. Hopefully this helps. There are a lot of great roof rack, RTT, & awning options out there. Just personal preference, I started with the Gobi stealth and went from there.
1. Attach the Shadow Awn to the top tubular bar (1"). Due to the Gobi design, the awning doesn't have enough clearance if attached to the lower bar (1.25" tube) when fully opened. (Trust me, I tried multiple ways).
2. I used modular mounts from Fourtreks that grab into the tubular bars. Works great, no slippage. http://fourtreks.com/modular_awning_mounts.html
3. Front to rear positioning is key. Again, the Gobi design doesn't allow for much tolerance. The awning location (front to back) requires precise positioning in order to clear any obstructions. See photos.
4. No ladder. I ended up needing to remove my Gobi ladder for the install (obstruction). I didn't try to put it back on, as I no longer need it to access the top. More importantly, it's extra weight that I don't need.
After two days of trial, error, and testing during install, I'm quite satisfied with the results. Install is likely a bit easier on a different style rack, but I like the Gobi look and it works well for me.
BONUS: With the RTT (James Baroud Evo) mounted, my rooftop Maxtrax storage location was suddenly gone. I wasn't sure where I would mount them, but discovered that I could make use of the Gobi rear side tubular bar and the modular clamps. (I had ordered both 1" and 1.25" clamps while working thru the mounting process).
Rig in use:

Shadow Awn stowed:

Shadow Awn deployed:

Fourtreks modular clamps:

Hinge view and clearances 1:

Hinge view and clearances 2:

Hinge view and clearances 3:

BONUS: Using the Gobi rear vertical side bar as a mounting point for the Maxtrax. I used two 1.25" modular clamps in combination with the Maxtrax mount. The tracks are mounted using only the right side of the track. To make sure they don't flutter in the wind at high speeds, I also used a gear tie on the left side of the track to secure it to the bar.

I've been building up my JKUR over the past year as an overlanding platform. My most recent mod was the RTT and awning. For those interested in this configuration, below are my install notes/pics for the Shadow Awn and Gobi stealth. Hopefully this helps. There are a lot of great roof rack, RTT, & awning options out there. Just personal preference, I started with the Gobi stealth and went from there.
1. Attach the Shadow Awn to the top tubular bar (1"). Due to the Gobi design, the awning doesn't have enough clearance if attached to the lower bar (1.25" tube) when fully opened. (Trust me, I tried multiple ways).
2. I used modular mounts from Fourtreks that grab into the tubular bars. Works great, no slippage. http://fourtreks.com/modular_awning_mounts.html
3. Front to rear positioning is key. Again, the Gobi design doesn't allow for much tolerance. The awning location (front to back) requires precise positioning in order to clear any obstructions. See photos.
4. No ladder. I ended up needing to remove my Gobi ladder for the install (obstruction). I didn't try to put it back on, as I no longer need it to access the top. More importantly, it's extra weight that I don't need.
After two days of trial, error, and testing during install, I'm quite satisfied with the results. Install is likely a bit easier on a different style rack, but I like the Gobi look and it works well for me.
BONUS: With the RTT (James Baroud Evo) mounted, my rooftop Maxtrax storage location was suddenly gone. I wasn't sure where I would mount them, but discovered that I could make use of the Gobi rear side tubular bar and the modular clamps. (I had ordered both 1" and 1.25" clamps while working thru the mounting process).
Rig in use:

Shadow Awn stowed:

Shadow Awn deployed:

Fourtreks modular clamps:

Hinge view and clearances 1:

Hinge view and clearances 2:

Hinge view and clearances 3:

BONUS: Using the Gobi rear vertical side bar as a mounting point for the Maxtrax. I used two 1.25" modular clamps in combination with the Maxtrax mount. The tracks are mounted using only the right side of the track. To make sure they don't flutter in the wind at high speeds, I also used a gear tie on the left side of the track to secure it to the bar.