Having read the last few posts I thought they had just driven off the edge rather than the bridge collapsing and I'd remembered incorrectly.
Driving 300km per day on perhaps not too smooth roads in a slow truck, when maybe theres a bridge like this every few km, you've driven over hundreds of them in the last few weeks, would you really check each one?!
Is that a hydraulic winch too? Seems theres maybe two pipes coming from the lhs bumpertop where Mog take offs are often sited? Could they have got themselves out with an electric winch once they'd calmed down and had a cup of tea?
Not the ideal ending to their trip. Will they continue?
Having read the last few posts I thought they had just driven off the edge rather than the bridge collapsing and I'd remembered incorrectly.
Driving 300km per day on perhaps not too smooth roads in a slow truck, when maybe theres a bridge like this every few km, you've driven over hundreds of them in the last few weeks, would you really check each one?!
Is that a hydraulic winch too? Seems theres maybe two pipes coming from the lhs bumpertop where Mog take offs are often sited? Could they have got themselves out with an electric winch once they'd calmed down and had a cup of tea?
Not the ideal ending to their trip. Will they continue?