Ammo can idea thread


Something like this?


That has me thinking of ideas involving a battery pack and a flush mount LED offroad granted that would be a more expensive project but...I think i will need to start a similar thread for these ideas at this point lol


That has me thinking of ideas involving a battery pack and a flush mount LED offroad granted that would be a more expensive project but...I think i will need to start a similar thread for these ideas at this point lol

Share the link. I've got some ideas along the same lines :D


Expedition Leader
Earlier in this thread i believe i seen where someone used an ammo can to make a portable power pack of sorts. While i was at a trade show this past weekend that idea got brought up while i was talking with some reps from a shop that sells batteries. I may end up looking more into it in the near future but this is the idea that i have in my head at the moment.

AGM battery
Small battery charger
Blue sea USB plug (or similar)
and a standard lighter socket.

Basically the idea i have in my head is make this a self contained unit that would function similar to booster packs for cars but be there for use to charge electronics, power small equipment such as a 12 v impact gun or air compressor.

Thoughts on this?

I built one. But its bolted to my trailer and powers our tent lights and stuff, solar generator youtube lots of examples.20150520_193643.jpg


Crew Chief
Has anybody tried lining the floor with some of the mortar cans? I was thinking about doing a short platform with them with the open ends poking out the back. Maybe fit some drawers inside them too for easy access. Uh oh, my mad scientist gears are turning! :Mechanic:


Watertight drawers would be nice, especially in a wrangler, but the small size would make it difficult to use and fit a slide into with gear on. Plus, two or three laying next to each other wouldn't sit perfectly tight due to the lids being wider and needing space to open the latches.

Maybe with a custom lid latch setup, or a larger size, but at that point you could probably just build on large drawer and be done. I know, I know, dreamkiller... lol.


Expedition Leader
An 81mm ammo can mounted to the tailgate hinges. It obscures a slight bit of the tail light, but if I didn't have 32" tires I could move it over enough to fully expose the tail lights. Or, I could move the spare carrier 1/2" to the left without too much trouble. On a JK it would fit fine because the JK has more room between the spare and the tail light.



This can't be done on the stock TJ hinges because the can would crush the tail light when the tailgate is fully open - I've got the new MORryde HD/wide-swing hinges installed on this tailgate so everything clears.


Expedition Leader
The same thing on the JK. Since there's more room on the JK, the can doesn't obscure the tail light at all.





Expedition Leader
With a little mod to my spare carrier to move it 1" to the left, now the 81mm can doesn't cover up any of the tail light. Next I'll finalize the bracket the ammo can is sitting on, right now there's no provision for securing the can to the bracket so it's just sitting there.



Any updates on when your ammo box trays might hit the market? Specifically the LJ?
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Expedition Leader
I updates on when your ammo box trays might hit the market? Specifically the LJ?

I know they are planning to show prototypes in their booth at the Mile High Jeep Club All-4-Fun Event the first week of August (, but they haven't told me a release date yet. I'm pretty sure they plan to have an LJ in the booth, and there will be one or two LJ ammo can trays in the Jeep for people to see.


I know they are planning to show prototypes in their booth at the Mile High Jeep Club All-4-Fun Event the first week of August (, but they haven't told me a release date yet. I'm pretty sure they plan to have an LJ in the booth, and there will be one or two LJ ammo can trays in the Jeep for people to see.

May I ask who "they" is? If it's been reveled before I may have missed it. If you can't release the name yet, I completely understand.


Expedition Leader
May I ask who "they" is? If it's been reveled before I may have missed it. If you can't release the name yet, I completely understand.
I should probably wait until they announce or it comes out some other way rather than me announcing them. Probably can post something when they show the prototypes at the event the first week of August.


Expedition Leader
I'm experimenting with some new brackets to hold ammo cans and other gear on the tailgate hinges. Clockwise from top left:

- A 30 cal and a Fat 50 plus a CB antenna
- 2 30 cal cans and a shovel
- a 60mm can
- 2 30 cal cans and a jack


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