And the disc II wins the bet


So I thought some might get a chuckle from this story. So due to the drought we hired a guy with a large transfer pump to pump from one pond to another to water our nursery. Well his pump battery was dead so he pulled his truck down to the pump to jump it off. I won't say what type of truck it was don't want to offend anyone. But we got the pump running and the guy goes to pull his truck out and OOOPPPSSS he is stuck. I puller him out with my trusty disco with no problem. Well I guess the guys feelings were a bit hurt because he had a bad attitude about it and after a few words in my direction told me I would have been stuck aswell. So I pull into the hole and sit for a minute the easy as pie back out no spinning or sliding just came right out. Well then this guy is pretty aggitated and tells me I got lucky. Well I didn't care to Mich but he says let's fill the hole with water and let it sit for an hour. I agreed and he bet me a hundred bucks I would not get out. So an hour later we all return and immediately I pull into the hole and sit for well over two minutes just so he could watch. Then with very little slipping and sliding I pull directly out of the hole no problem. Needless to say I won the bet but now after wasted time I am pumping water till midnight.


FlyFish Zealot
Not to worry: I have both a Disco and a Tacoma. I love both but someplaces the Rover is my preferred off roader. Then again, the Tacoma has its specific uses too.

I suppose it may just come down to the driver and how capable (or not) he/she is. For some reason, I can tackle tough trails with the Rover easier....I chalk that up to owning the thing for a few years and knowing it front to back. The Taco, on the other hand, is a lot newer to me and is my DD. Consequently, it gets driven in the really rough stuff a lot less.

Ahh, just food for thought. Wish you had pics! :coffee::smiley_drive:


For some reason, I can tackle tough trails with the Rover easier....I chalk that up to owning the thing for a few years and knowing it front to back.

Wheel Rate. Wheelbase and Breakover Angle. Turning Radius.


I'll take wheel travel and low wheel rate before LSD or lockers. Keep the wheels on the ground, equally weighted, don't need lockers.


Well-known member
All those things do make a difference at all around capability, but I would have to give credit to Rover's AWD systems. For some reason it seems like they have black magic in them and I cannot explain how rovers seem to lose grip and spin the tires but then still keep pulling uphill, in mud, no matter what.

A lot of times once you slip you are done and either going back down or at least staying put but rovers always seem to keep going up somehow. Case in point:

Don't know why it is posting 2 whatever I do, but enjoy!

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