Another "I wish this was in the US" thread... The CCM GP450


Ummm, no. I don't want this in the U.S. Another 4-stroke single? Like riding a chainsaw down the road. I want a twin. I want an Africa-Twin. I want a TransAlp. You can have this. We already have this. They're called Kawasaki KLRs.


The difference is, they get this correct out of the box. The KLR is a great bike after its had a few grand dumped into it.


It's one cylinder short for any trip longer than ten miles and the Brits NEVER, ever get anything correct, right out of the box. Now, change up the tires on the Honda NC700XA, put a bit more float to the suspension and we might have something to start with. S/F. Nothing follows.


For what its worth, an email from CCM to myself states that this bike will be in the US late this year.

My response came (and with her permission to post the response)

Thank you for your interest in the new GP450 Adventure bike. We do have plans to bring the bike to the US at the end of 2014, early 2015.

If you would like to join the CCM Members club, you will receive the latest news and international dealer information. You just need to send me your address inc zipcode and its all free.

Kind Regards,

Alice Flook
Marketing and Sales Manager


Canada, not the US of A. Alice told me they would be bringing them to the US for trial and demo in the near future. They are currently doing demos in Europe and once that is complete, will give the US a shot.


Expedition Leader
if it makes it to the USA, i predict a flop. at the price point the guys that want the bike would want a bigger engine, something to compete with the ktm 690 for example.... the guys who like the engine dont need the whole bike, something to compete with the 450cc dirtbikes.

its a nice bike, but its gonna a small niche.

Rot Box

I'm thinking finally something to bridge the gap between WR250R and KTM690 that isn't a DRZ or a dirt bike with a dual sport kit added. Limited market no doubt, British engineering.....ugh, but even during the Rotax days I've always liked what CCM had to offer. This bike might be the perfect bike for me.


you guys do know what you are looking at right? This isn't just another WRR or DRZ, this is a pretty killer bike, KTM 500 performance with 5000km oil changes and all but race ready if you wanted to take it south to do the baja 1000. this is a serious beast and there is a fairly BIG demand for them, as in they are brining about 500 of them into Canada and there is a lineup out the door to get them.


Ummm, no. I don't want this in the U.S. Another 4-stroke single? Like riding a chainsaw down the road. I want a twin. I want an Africa-Twin. I want a TransAlp. You can have this. We already have this. They're called Kawasaki KLRs.

Actually, that Beemer motor they are using is pretty smooth.


Expedition Leader
I still believe that if Suzuki would make some changes to modernize the DRZ that it would sell better and be an excellent light tourer . A six speed transmission, fuel injection and a stronger alternator along with a switch to LED lights would make a huge difference.

<----Former DRZ owner who farkled it about as far as you can farkle a DRZ without cracking the engine open.


MT500 Guy
Im running an ex-canadian army bike, 1986 edition and one of 85 built by armstrong /CCM, and later, harley davidson (penn. factory). This is a heavy, but very specialized 4 stroke single (Rotax 504)
oil in frame, mazz. front end with Ohlin rear, Akront rims etc, etc,. Its my every day ride ( my commute is 45 km of twisty , hilly forest service roads) and weekend camper
if these new bikes are even half of what im running, well, the quality should be top shelf.

just my 2 cents

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