Another project: Survivor 1992 4Runner


Heheh... I was just noticing the wall behind your 4-runner in the garage shot... I spy a blue and white plate with an "M" in the middle... Not a plate you see hanging on someone's wall very often!


Bigassgas Explorer
Heheh... I was just noticing the wall behind your 4-runner in the garage shot... I spy a blue and white plate with an "M" in the middle... Not a plate you see hanging on someone's wall very often!

Dang, good eyes! Ya, that has been quite the conversation piece around here. My old company issue Michigan Manufacturers tag. That design plate was retired when MI changed the design of the manufacturer’s tags. I didn’t get an MI plate this time but rather an Indiana “m” tag which are very ugly (who knew Indiana even had m tags??).

Wow, never saw this thread before today. Great looking 4Runner Larry! Any new progress on the truck?

Thanks! Well, it really doesn’t need much so no real updates. This is actually the wife’s toy and she won’t let me do anything fun with it like add an ARB bumper and winch. Too bad too because there is a nice ARB bumper on Craigslist right now in our area that would fit this 4runner perfectly!

I tell ya, this little thing runs like a sewing machine and the wife is having a ball with it. Heck, even the AC blows colder than her 2 year old daily driver BMW. I recently had to change the 22RE valve cover gasket because the rear half-moon seal was leaking. It could use a set of shocks and she does want me to find a set of sliders for it. Does anybody know of a good source for this generation 4Runner sliders? I’m envisioning a double tube slider that may also help her step up into it. The only other real tweaks planned for it is to respray the front bumper and grill with OEM colors to fix the rock chips. I swear the previous owner followed a sand truck for 22 years straight!

Two weekends ago the wife and I and her parents and Coloradobill took an overnight fishing/camping/trailriding trip to the Hermit Lake near Westcliffe. This was her first time driving the “Surf Turtle” (as she calls it) off-road. She really had a blast. It does lack some major power here at high altitude but one it gets off road it tootles around in 4lo like a champ.

Here are some of the pics from the trip. Small world, when we did this trip we saw Expo member ttora4runner up there in his 4Runner.

She was grinning ear to ear as I aired down the tires on the K10 and 4Runner

Still smiling

The two rigs blend in well together. Almost the same exact colors

Near Horse Lake above Hermit Lake

She loved posing next to her new toy

Headed back down


That’s it….that all we got of the overnighter at Hermit.

deadbeat son

Thanks! Well, it really doesn't need much so no real updates. This is actually the wife's toy and she won't let me do anything fun with it like add an ARB bumper and winch. Too bad too because there is a nice ARB bumper on Craigslist right now in our area that would fit this 4runner perfectly! . . . The only other real tweaks planned for it is to respray the front bumper and grill with OEM colors to fix the rock chips. I swear the previous owner followed a sand truck for 22 years straight!

The bumper respray is what I was hoping to see completed. The trip looks like it was a good time for all of you!


Bigassgas Explorer
Never heard of stubbs, got a link?

Me neither until the other day when I read a thread here in the Toyota section where another member bought a set of Stubbs. They look nice for the price. Here is the link to Stubbs sliders. I like the looks and simplicity of the standard sliders

What kind of mileage is she getting with the 22re and the 5 speed?

Actually, we haven’t even check the mileage yet but it seems pretty good.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Then you can have the hubs and throw in the diff without all the actuator crap on it as well. Those ADD defeat write ups that rely on a hose clamp would make me a little nervous.
Adding manual hubs to ADD is just replacing the drive plates with hubs. If you want to completely eliminate the ADD, replace the driver side of the axle housing with one from a non-ADD, plug the vacuum lines and you're done. With these auto hubs it's a little different. The axle housing is the same as manual types, no ADD actuator, but the outer part of the hubs are not the same, so there's a few parts you have to pick up along with the manual hubs. Not exactly sure what's different though.

There aren't a lot of auto hubs on Toyotas out there, but other than being a PITA with nuisance disengagements I don't know that they are a reliability problem. I'd probably replace them on principle but for a daily driver it sure might be nice not to have to get out of the truck to lock in the front end. Actually seems just about perfect for Colorado and driving up skiing where you start on dry pavement and hit snow packed roads crawling in traffic. With manual hubs you have two choices, pull over to the shoulder and have to merge again or start out with the front end locked, which with a 22R-E is less than ideal.
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Bigassgas Explorer
I agree with most of what Dave said. Even with the locking hubs that I installed the 4Runner is still running ADD at this moment. For now, I mainly added the hubs to stop spinning the half shafts. As gutless as a 22RE is at this altitude it needs all the help it can get to move along and without the resistance of moving the front half shafts while in 2wd. Not moving the half shafts also saves on fuel economy and wear and tear on the shafts themselves.

I have zero faith in anybody’s front axle disconnects….albeit GM, Chrysler, Toyota or whoever. If there is a method to rid a vehicle of it I take that path, especially on a 20 year old rig where the ADD is already on borrowed time before it takes a dirt nap. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for a non-ADD axle tube to swap in mine. Even if this was a daily driver, I would still do the same. I would rather plan a head and lock in the hubs when weather is in the area than rely on an axle disconnect. I am more into reliability and durability over convenience. Gee, how did people ever survive back in the days when all 4x4’s had a locking hubs and a big lever to pull to engage the transfercase? Today vehicles are loaded with automatic this and electric that which take away from durability. How spoiled we have all become.

Box Rocket

Well-known member
Great looking truck! That's my favorite color on that vintage. I had a '93 reg cab in the same color. Loved that truck.



Middle Income Semi-Redneck
I would rather plan a head and lock in the hubs when weather is in the area than rely on an axle disconnect. I am more into reliability and durability over convenience. Gee, how did people ever survive back in the days when all 4x4’s had a locking hubs and a big lever to pull to engage the transfercase? Today vehicles are loaded with automatic this and electric that which take away from durability. How spoiled we have all become.
LOL! We are of the same mind, although I probably put ADD above auto hubs on my list of unnecessarily complex systems. I do see the logic behind non-manual systems as SUVs & 4WD trucks replaced cars as family mobiles. As people who treat them as trucks, manual everything doesn't bother us and is preferred, but to a soccer mom or someone heading to a nice dinner jumping out and locking the hubs is a legit pain. I don't blame manufacturers for offering what people want. It's really a philosophical question, economic, political, etc. Some people don't like big cars that are not super efficient, so they force everyone via CAFE into small cars, replacing the Vista Cruisers and substantial wagons of our childhoods. People realize that gutless cars with no space just don't work with families towing a camper on summer vacation but companies' hands are tied with regulations that don't jive with real market demands, so they do the next best thing and soften up their SUVs, which ticks off people looking for basic trucks. Problem is no one is happy in the end.


What, you haven't slipped in a LS motor into that thing yet. :ylsmoke:

I have owned two of those 22R equipped Yoda' would think I would of learned my lesson the first time.

A 3.4 swap would be awfully nice in there too...

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