Any home brewers here?

big sky trapper

its a going, dosnt look like much right now. Girls asked me what i was up to now and i told them it was my "astronaut pee percolator" that i bought from ebay and i was expecting samples from them all should have seen all the eyes a rolling...hahaha


Brewer's wife

The fun part about being the wife of a brewer, is the taste testing. And then testing a little more, and then more still...:beer:

big sky trapper

Success! So far...My first batch of eiswine from a kit. ready to bottle here in a few. tonights taste test wheeeeeew gooooodie! Finished at 13%. Cant wait to try it in a few months.


My mead seems to have stuck .... todays test SG. 0.0 PAC 0.0 hmmmmm should I restart it???


elcoyote said:
I think we brewers should get together for a special run to find a remote spot with a clean, high quality water source, brew an all grain half barrel batch, bury the fermenters, return in 2 weeks, rack to secondary, bury the kegs and return again, several months later for the ultimate brew party geo-cache. I'll cart along my all grain system and offer up 2 cornies for the cause. Someone else needs to come forward with a couple of carboys. Burying the secondarys will keep them at the perfect temp for a nice thirst quenching lager:beer:
Wanna play?

I'm in! I can bring one carboy.

I recall talking to you about this a while back... was it over beers? :sombrero:


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BajaTaco said:
I'm in! I can bring one carboy.

I recall talking to you about this a while back... was it over beers? :sombrero:

Whulp, y'know dude, we're waaaaaay over due to make this happen....uh I seem to remember a copious amount of Belgian being poured. Seriously, lets' figure out a date & place. we need a good remote water source, say in AZ, NV or CA...any thoughts?
Got carboy AND water!!

:beer: I've got a spare carboy, and once I get the new blue Chaser, I'll have 19 gallons of water, plus a 6 ft bed to store more water if need be..... And bring plenty of brewing equipment.:beer:

Mojave desert sounds good to me, Battleship mountain area, plenty of places to hide a couple of carboys in the shade.....

Where do we want to meet to do the brewing?? This sounds like FUN!!:jump:

I do a mead once/twice a year, have for 3 years now. Chris has had some, so has Scott. It's much better after it ages a year or two or three ( if possible). It's best to forget it after you transfer it to the second carboy for at least 4-6 months. Let it age/mellow/settle!!
Mead recipes

:clapsmile There are a few really good books that are exclusively mead books- The Compleat Meadmaker by Ken Schramm is a good one. The back of the classic The New Complete Joy of Homebrewing by Charlie Papizan, go to appendix 5- devoted to mead.
One of my favorite recipes is from the updated Home Brewers Companion by Charlie Papizan. The Prickly Pear Mead is to die for!!! PM me if you have these fruits near, I'll show you how to get the juice out without ANY stickers in you!!
You need to have patience- mead is best AFTER it ages for a year, and gets better as time goes on....

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