Anyone build their own van high top?


New member
Looking for some diy van high top ideas and how they have held up over time. I've seen some made out of wood, steel, aluminum... my van was purchased very cheap and has been sort of a trial for our family. I would love to be able to stand in this van but don't want to put out the cash for getting a pop top installed. I have welding abilities as well as a bunch of leftover steel square tubing from various jobs. Anyone use something like that for a frame and what did you use for paneling?


Active member
I got my top at at the local pick-n-pull for $50 on half off day, I couldn't build one for that price! Plus if I built one it woulda looked like garbage..............


I got my top at at the local pick-n-pull for $50 on half off day, I couldn't build one for that price! Plus if I built one it woulda looked like garbage..............

They're more or less plentiful even here in LaLa land where the junkyards get picked over heavily.
Under $70 including sales tax last I checked at LKQs yard, and they'll even bring a forklift over after you've got it free from the vehicle.
You'd spend way more just on material making your own versus one that's already designed to fit.
Plus, you'd be "green" or upcycling or whatever the cool term is now.


New member
If I can find one pulling it would definitely be the way to go. On top of price of materials there is always the unquantifiable cost of a wife that has had to watch the kids for multiple weekends in a row. This seems to be my biggest hurdle in most of my projects!!!


...a wife that has had to watch..!

Just a thought in transit.

YMMV : )

Since you are married... and anyone else in the loop on who will be using the van will be, I would imagine, hoping to be OK being seen in such vehicle... I've rarely seen any DIY roof that most wives would be happy or excited with. Then you have the kid's and their social circle to consider.
You might be able to pull of a Sistine Chapel of a DIY job on the roof, but I can say for my wife and our rig which doubles as her DD, if it wasn't nice and respectable i'd be driving it alone.

Pulling one from a picker yard might be a good call all around.

: ) Thom


Expedition Leader
There was an aluminum one here on the forum... don't know who built it though.

Weight would become a concern with wood or steel.


I don't know if your van is regular length or extended, but generally it would be best to work extra hours at something profitable and then purchasing one for cheap. I have recently seen 4 or 5 whole mid-late 90's whole RB conversion vans for sale for $1000-$1200. You could buy one and part the rest out, or just buy the top from a salvage yard for a couple hundred $. One was running and driving! Used EB 20" raised tops can be found for as low as $300 if you look around. Even if you try to keep costs down, I don't think you're going to beat the price of a used fiberglass top. That would also leave you with a van that you could sell easily if you needed to. One van I saw 10 years ago had the roof cut out and an aluminum jon boat strapped over the hole! If you do something wild like that, please post pics here! We'll name it "Surf 'N Turf"! Cheers!


Track down the local airport shuttle company. Around here they drive the vans into the ground and then salvage the any parts off to keep the rest of the fleet going. They have several hulks sitting out back, but they all have the high tops on them.
Oh and they are either yellow or white here!

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