Anyone have experience with Hydrogen generators?


New member
Really? Thats all?

You can achieve the gains you are looking for just by improving your driving technique. I know everyone thinks they drive better than everyone else but they are usually not correct. With a feedback device like a Scanguage and some new habits you can easily improve mileage a few mpg's.
Response: "I'm not tailgating, I"M DRAFTING!"

For the rest:
THATS IT??? We now officially have the final word accepted by all? Ok I for one am not buying it and am going to try to build a HHO kit. OK scratch that I am going to copy the one my neighbor has (2 cell unit metal plates in jam jar glasses? only saw it from afar once) on his late model Burb. As of yet in the three years I have known him he has not spontaneously combusted and seems to have a fair bit of mechanical aptitude (Not a universal measure but this guy has a flat bottom drag boat that no joke, has a big block in it that is every bit of 4' tall and is so ridiculously loud grown men are reduced to giggles, we have road committee meetings at his house and he fires it up to let us know the time has come hehehe) Ok off topic but really wish me well, I have no time frame but I have got to try this out, I have a feeling that there is a middle ground here that will work. If it works naysayers are never gone hear the end of it!
Cheers all
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Heretic Car Camper
So I love the topics that make people come out of the woodwork, snake oil always is a good one, but my question is this:


1-hydrogen as a primary fuel is at this time simply too difficult to manufacture and store to use.
2-gas and diesel engines are though inefficient, the best we have at this time.

1+2= is there a threshhold past which the production cost of hydrogen becomes negligible for the benefit of the addition to a combustible fuel source.
I.E. if you are not looking to run your car on entirely tap water but maybe a 3-5-10mpg increase is there a system that can be built that wont require toting along a nuclear reactor to generate the gas?
There is a third point that I tried to make, and that is that pure hydrogen as a fuel is very unstable. Takes no genius, only a historical observation, to figure that one out. What most folks don't realize is the level of difficulty presented in trying to make an engine run on it. It gives no warning in going from smooth and stable combustion to flying parts or other problems. I know of one effort made in So. CA to make an internal combustion engine run on pure hydrogen. It cost the company a LOT of R&D money and they basically proved that the technology to do it reliably and consistently doesn't currently exist, nor was it something that could be developed at this time. Perhaps at some point in the future, but not now.

If hydrogen is blended with hydro-carbon fuels then the instability diminishes with the mixture ratio, but so do the gains.

It is still a something for nothing proposition. Within the boundary of a vehicle it takes more energy to produce it than it will ever yield. Failing any real scientific test results from a reputable and independent testing source I attribute all mileage gain claims to the Placebo Effect. What I believe Milo12 was getting at.


New member
There is a third point that I tried to make, and that is that pure hydrogen as a fuel is very unstable. Takes no genius, only a historical observation, to figure that one out. .

Yeah, no I get it that hydrogen is not something to lightly regard, I went to high school right around the corner from Lakehurst N.A.S. where the Blimpdenburg went down, which if you can put the horror aside for a second would have been CRAZY to see in person. There was an old Senior Chief who was there when it happened, was actually holding one of the guide ropes, good stories.

So anyway, I am now regarding this as a science experiment, and will get a test group of subjects and will equip all their identical vehicles with HHO kits but only plug in half of them and then conduct a double secret ultra blind test to see if we can remove the "Placebo effect" (wink wink).

But from what I have seen even if it does nothing I will only be out what $20-40, seriously I have made far bigger blunders than that with the full expectation of success.

Besides if nothing else I can always be a moonshine smuggler "why no officer thats just good ole H20 in those mason jars, yessir hydrogen powered hippy mobile"
Cheers all


old topic..... renewing it for shitz and grins.....

Lot of talk in this thread about Hydrogen generating for using the hydrogen.... much of it seems correct.... but in general HHO users are NOT not intending to run the vehicle on hydrogen... but to simply improve the combustion of the primary fuel.... therefor increasing MPG's. Advantages of the improved combustion is more advantageous to those whom may tinker with alternative fuel "BLEND's with diesel.... in particular older diesels..... (waste veg and waste motor oils... oils produced by pyrolysis etc.).

other advantage.... less engine deposits...... again a big advantage to those tinker with alternative cetane fuels for crude/deposits/coking is what usually damages the engine....... making the alt. fuels a net $$$ loss (replacing engine) not a net gain ( from to lowered fuel cost).

with "some" Expedition vehicles you have more space for other means of producing supplemental electricity (solar?) to offset the expense on the alternator to produce the needed electricity to do the electrolysis. Myself for example.... I'll have 1000w solar panels on the habitat roof along with dual voltage 14v/28v 200 amp alternator.
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Wiffleball Batter
Mogwin said he was going to try it out. That was in November of 2009, 10 years ago.

He hasn't replied on this topic since then. His last post is from Feb 2010 and he was last active on the forum in 2016.

I'm assuming that if his "hydrogen generator" worked we'd have heard about it by now. ;)

Me, I'm holding out for a perpetual motion machine powered by unicorn tears. :D


End of his HHO journey does not mean someone else has not picked up the bucket of water and a battery since then:geek::poop:


Active member
I was tasked to test a system on a hmmwv in a previous life. No measurable impact on fuel economy, and I had 24v at 200amp to utilize. Takes more power to separate the water than is created. At least that's what my experience was on a 6.5.


I was tasked to test a system on a hmmwv in a previous life. No measurable impact on fuel economy, and I had 24v at 200amp to utilize. Takes more power to separate the water than is created. At least that's what my experience was on a 6.5.
did they break the engine back down afterwords to see how it looked inside?

One reason am considering it myself is so can run home brewed fuels (black diesel etc) and worry less about ruining engine cause HHO will help keep engine clean and more completely combust the; not so perfect fuel, fed in the chamber


Active member
No teardown after that test, but all of our vehicles were on a regimented maintenance schedule, and we rarely had anything noteworthy at a teardown in regards to build up.

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