Anyone use a hitch cargo rack?


New member
Normally it's just the two of us, so we have no problem carrying enough cargo. But we're doing a two week with the kid, who believe it or not wants to go camping with the old folks after his college graduation. We need to bring a bit more cargo along. Like a tent (cause the kid is NOT gonna sleep in the camper with us) and we'd like to bring bikes for all of us. We're looking into buying one of those hitch cargo racks to carry his gear and one bike - wouldn't be that heavy. But just wondering on the handling - seems like not really a good idea to hang more weight off the back of the truck. Anyone use one of those? And any other suggestions for carrying a bit more cargo, if you have them. We thought long and hard about a small tag-along, but we have storage limitations - live in the city in a row house and unless it can fit through the garage side door to get into the back yard, we can't store it....prefer to use the garage to store...the car.


American Trekker
Hitch rack

Hitch rack.jpgHitch rack.jpg
We carry fire wood, sometime 5 gallons gas and a small honda genarator Ice chest , Plus 2 adult bikes. this rack is rated to carry 500lbs.
no problem. cheapest buy on these is Harbor Freight. they also sell frt wheel bike rake to bolt to rack.
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Resident **************
I've got this one from Warrior Products, I've used it on the Jeep and the truck, works great. The rack itself is a little heavy, but also substantially stronger than most others.



New member
I got the cheapest Harbor Freight hitch rack. Works fine but I did modify it a bit. It stuck out too far from the back bumper and when I slid the rack farther into the hitch, it hit the spare tire. I Cut off some of the rack hitch tube and drilled a new hole for the hitch bolt. I also got tired of hearing and thinking about the rack bouncing around back there so I got a hitch tightener (?) to keep it from moving. HF rack is a real cheapo but the times I needed it, it came through. Rack is rated at 500 LBS but I doubt I would even come close to that. HF also has a aluminum hitch rack with the same weight rating. If you check around you can usually us a 20% coupon and get a deal. My rack sits under my camper overhang so its out of the way when getting in and out of the camper. I made a box that its in the rack with my 5 gal grey water portable tank. That way I can carry all my grey/black water stuff. I also got a hitch cargo rack bag that will fit, but have not used it and will be selling it when I get motivated.


Last year my family and I took a month long, 6500 mile trip with a rack on the back. It was also a 500 lb rated rack. I carried a propane folding Thermos grill and firewood on it most of the time. It also made a handy "porch" for getting into and out of the camper. I couldn't imagine the trip without it.

As far as the extra weight is concerned, I'm guessing you'll never notice it's back there. The above trip was with a 3/4 ton, but I use it regularly with my 1/2 ton in the avatar. I haul cargo on the rack and have a bike rack that fits into a tube on the back of the rack so it hangs even farther out with usually three bikes on it. I never even notice it. A tent and a couple bikes shouldn't affect weight that much unless you're already overloaded and it's the proverbial straw :)
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receiver extender. plywood with holes. 6 cam straps. holds lots of junk under my cantilever. Not pretty. highly functional. doubles as a one step entrance, when the acordian stairs arent convenient.

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