Arizona & Utah Ramblings


Late on Sunday I completed a marathon 10 day trip that included off-roading, hiking, camping, canyoneering, kayaking and houseboating.

Friday morning, 3AM departure
Friday afternoon visit Antelope Slot Canyon and later board houseboat at Lake Powell.
Saturday morning cast off for various points up river over 7 days.
Head up to Romano Mesa to camp over night
Then down to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

A few pictures....

Antelope Canyon: Supposed to be able to see a profile of a woman with hair flowing back

Houseboat at anchor
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West Canyon (slot)

starting off...

getting narrower

squeezing up and over boulders

and wetter
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deep enough to swim!

We used kids round floatie things to keep our backpacks afloat. The water was pretty cold.

This tree has been stuck forever and is seen in lots of photos.
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Then waaaaay down to the north Rim of the Grand Canyon

ancient graffiti

North Rim view

jumping shot

packing up to go home and wondering how it will all fit

old road grader

The one ranger out there has a nice sense of humor. He and his family are in the only occupied house around the area
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Thanks for posting up those photos, I long to get back onto a house boat on Powell and laze away for a week........

How is it exploring, motoring around and finding a spot to beach a large houseboat with the low water conditions? It's probably been ten years since I've been there.


SLOwag said:
Thanks for posting up those photos, I long to get back onto a house boat on Powell and laze away for a week........

How is it exploring, motoring around and finding a spot to beach a large houseboat with the low water conditions? It's probably been ten years since I've been there.

All published guide books are fairly useless. Our strategy was to launch the power boat and scout out good locations. We'd set up a tent, chairs and a cooler and "strand" one or two folks there to guard the site from rude interlopers.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
teotwaki said:
Tuweep was only 95.
Downright tepid! I was at Tuweep last July right as some of the first Monsoons were rolling in for the year; about 105 in the day (not too bad) no rain that night but very humid. Hadn't rained in months but there were mossies everywhere and I ended up having to sleep in my 80 completely sealed.

The only time I ever sweated so much was sailing on my honeymoon, anchored on a too calm Biscayne Bay in August when at dusk we realized we forgot the hatch screens and had to individually sleep underneath heavy blankets lest the no-see-ums and mossies would eat us alive.

Making matters worse in Tuweep area was a wash at 36.615734 -112.846584 where coming in I barely made it across, and I mean barely. Water over the hood, mud as slick as snot underneath; didn't know if I could make it back out.
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