Around the World in a Volkswagen Vanagon - Drive Nacho Drive!


New member
At the end of 2011 we quit our jobs and set off in our 1984 Volkswagen Vanagon, "Nacho". Our plan? To circumnavigate the globe, slowly, while discovering culture, food, recreation, and emergency roadside Volkswagen maintenance. We are Brad and Sheena. Just wingin' it.

Check out our blog at Drive Nacho Drive


Central Scrutinizer
Godspeed to you. If you return to our little city, I'd love to have a beer or 9 with you.

Diesel YJ

I just read through your blog, sounds great. The gf and I are very interested in your adventure and wish you all the luck for a safe trip for you and Nacho!


New member
Thanks for the comments. @thecriscokid: Nacho got its name through a process of brainstorming. It was "Whoopie" when we bought it, but that had to go. Ignacio seemed like a fitting and dignified name, so that was it. Nacho is short for Ignacio.


We love your style of writing and are following you along the way. Hopefully we bump into you two in South America!

~The Garrett's


New member
Thanks for the comments. @thecriscokid: Nacho got its name through a process of brainstorming. It was "Whoopie" when we bought it, but that had to go. Ignacio seemed like a fitting and dignified name, so that was it. Nacho is short for Ignacio.

You should of called it "Nacha" which is short Ignacia. "Nachas" is slang word for buttcheeks.


New member
It's been a while, so thought I'd check in. We've arrived in Costa Rica and are getting some work done on Nacho. While doing so I'm doing a bit of blog catch up. We've been updating about once or twice per week (trying to improve!) Here's the latest installment, in case you're interested:

Drive Nacho Drive: The Antigua Creeper

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