Aux Fuel Tank Thoughts


Active member
Here's another tank manufacturer to check out. This one has some smaller tanks that fit under the roll up tonneaus.

Running 80-100 gallons means you control your fuel stops. Plan it out, buy cheaper diesel. The truck pumps even have 2 nozzles so you can fill both tanks at once. The truck stop 30 min away has diesel 30 cents cheaper (cash price) now with prices changing, Saving that amount pays for dinner out during the trip.

Run the vent outside and up high, get a good seal on the vent tube. You will need to move the filler outside of the camper shell as well. Drill a hole, get a marine fill port and I don't see why you would get smell in the truck bed. The factory tank is all vented right under the bed and you don't get a diesel smell in the camper shell.


My 4WD van has a Flow Transfer extra fuel tank installed courtesy of ATF. At 12 MPG with 4.10 gears and a 496 CI BB (8.1) I can go 840 miles on 1 fill up of 70 gallons or about 6 piss stops. Would I have paid the $2K+ to install the Flow Transfer extra fuel tank system in my van? Hell No! 6 Piss stops gives me plenty of opportunity to git fuel if needed.

The 35 gallon factory tank provides plenty of range for 3 piss stops. IF I only git 4MPG on the trail I STILL have 140 miles of trail range. Not many trails anywhere that are 140 miles with no opportunity for fuel.

I find it interesting that so many folks with gas powered vehicles here are so concerned with fuel range. Ya'll are startin sound like the electric car haters! A 5 gallon jug of extra fuel will git you out any fuel issue if you have any planning "Cents" before you start on that 140 mile long trail!

If you’re stopping to pee that much, I would highly suggest you see a doctor.

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If you are looking to get a tank I would go for the one that does not take up any bed space, I've had a transfer flow 60gal in the bed before but it always was in the way of using up bed space, another truck I had a narrow rds tank and it still ate up part of the 8' for loading things. The other thing is with the fuel up high you will fill it move around especially side to side when off camber.

Recently I went for a titan, and it seems to be no more than 1" lower than the stock at it's lowest point on the truck. Given the thickness it seems that rocks would not be able to go through it easily.

If you no longer have the stock muffler, a 15 gallon rci style rectangular tank will fit on the passenger side above the exhaust. Just bend down the heat shield below the carrier bearing cross member.




With the rci style tank before Titan addition


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I have considered having a slim 20 or so gallon tank made for the front of my bed. It would set my truck camper back perhaps four inches, but I also have a tonneau and a topper for the truck, so filling becomes an issue. If I am honest with myself, I simply don't need extra capacity in today's world...

For our trip 3/4 of the way down Baja, I carried three or four 5 gallon fuel cans on a rack under the back of the camper. Didn't need to pull them out even once. Turns out when you slow the pace down, you get better mileage. I filled up whenever it got to 1/4 tank, knowing there is still well over 100 miles of fuel in the tank at that point. (Still 6 usable gallons when the gauge says empty...) I don't think there was a single 100 mile stretch without fuel.

Since your range is already more than mine, I'd say you'll be fine too.
I'd go with tires, personally, as I like getting new tires. :)

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