Back in time, when overland was called adventure.


Engineer In Residence
that 4,900$ needs to be adjusted for local exchange and labor rates of course. Which may have made it a lot more valuable in Africa at the time.

Mr Rehab

Haven’t had a chance to view the video but I’m sure it’s good. Went to an Adventure Film festival in Bright, Australia a couple of years back and saw a film about a group from UK who travelled to Australia in 1969 in a double decker bus. Amazing experiences.

But the character who really impresses is this German kayaker....from Germany to Australia arriving in 1939. When he finally reached Australia WWII had started and he was interned. Unfortunate end to an amazing achievement.


Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
It must be a German thing, this long distance kayaking. Freya Hoffmeister continues to set records for amazing paddles around the world today. Every time she sets out she bumps up the difficulty. Always solo and now in her 50s.

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Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I just finished watching it with my wife. It's amazing.

A couple quick comments:

-It is surprising how many other overlanders are also doing a similar journey even back then. They have a convoy with a Unimog with a map of the world on the side of the camper...things have not changed that much! And they are fascinated with the couple from Holland with their tiny car...pretty funny!

-We have been to several places mentioned in that journey - the Central African Republic, Lake Kivu/Goma in the DRC, Harare, etc...not much has changed since then. Actually in some ways these places are more dangerous, less developed than then. It is a bid sad.

-I am curious as to what is the current situation on the Trans-Sahara, especially the border crossing between Algeria and Niger. I have not heard of any overlanders going that way in a long time, but this documentary renewed my interest in that region. Hopefully we will have the chance to go back one day.

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