teotwaki said:
MREs are pretty heavy due to the packaging, accessories, and also that the main dish is fully hydrated. They cannot be taken on airliners due to (misplaced) fears about the magnesium meal heaters.
Where are all the current/former military people on this one?
You field strip the MRE!
MRE's have a ton of excessive packaging and additional BS included. Strip away the double (triple as it's inside the MRE carton) packaging and get rid of all the non-essentials! Save all of the TP and Hot sauce! put them all in a couple ziplocks (or combine in one ziplock if you're adventurous). The TP is very compact and is great to keep in your pocket!
The spoon is awsome! Long handle for reaching in meal bags. Will light and burn just like a candle in a emergency (albiet with sooty smoke) and works equally well as tinder when shaved properly!
New MRE's are cooler and tastier than ever and provide much more calories if you can find them.
Other options!
Chicken/Tuna foil packs instead of cans, no water weight and some are very tasty(flavored varieties)!
The river is a great fridge if you want to splurge a little. Freeze some nice steaks wrap and insulate them in your pack, even if they thaw on the flight in, if you keep them in a couple freezer bags submerged they should keep a couple days or so.
I wonder what fish tacos and ceviche would taste like with salmon? I always had halibut versions when I was in Alaska. Worth a try anyway..I am making myself hungry. I love fish tacos!