Lipitor dosing instructions on request.
Do you have anything that is dirty? My stove looks well uses but its almost 15 years old.
Lipitor dosing instructions on request.
Mirtes is a very very tidy person. She cleans with the same passion that have for drinking.Do you have anything that is dirty? My stove looks well uses but its almost 15 years old.
Just made my first batch of smoked bacon from an incredibly good slab of belly. But to tell you the truth I actually prefer the raw fresh belly sliced about 3/8" thick...sprinkle sea salt and smoked paprika on both sides and slowly render it in a cast iron pan until nicely any bacon I've eaten heretofore.
I grew up eating a lot of the fresh side along with bacon. I love it fresh. Mom used to make it by coating it in flour and then sprinkling it with salt and pepper. I just use salt and pepper on it myself. I hadn't had any in a few years. I then started buying a pig or two each year from a couple of guys I work with and would get the fresh side instead of having it turned into bacon. Awesome stuff.
How about this?
Bacon Meatloaf!!!