battery disconnect


I would like to have a disconnect switch on my optima battery that I can shut the power off whenvever. Whether its for security, fire, or battery drain I would like to have the option. The problem is that there are not many options. Like many, I have not just one wire to positive, and one to ground. Its more like three. Does anybody have any pics of their setups? Cheers Ian


resetable circuit breaker - flip it to open circuit when you want to disconnect the battery. The starter lead still comes directly off the battery




Expedition Leader
Battery Brain.

Auto disconnects below a preset voltage to retain starting power. This is the answer to a parasitic drain that can not be eliminated.
Remote connect and disconnect.

I had both the breaker and a switch under the hood for years. Call me lazy , but I did not use the disconnect as much as I should have. When you are in a hurry, popping the hood and flipping a switch gets to be tiresome. The Brain was the best thing I did.

That Brain now resides in my "new" truck as my battery combiner. The breakers are a good idea too. I use those for my remote power connectors.

Shop around for the best price on a "brain". I found mine for half the website listed retail. Mine was purchased from an RV accessories retailer.


[ame=]Here's a circuit breaker on Amazon[/ame], though they are easy to find elsewhere with a simple search. Press the little red button to "test" the breaker and the red arm swings down opening the circuit. Swing the red arm back up and the circuit is complete again


thanks just pulled the trigger on a brain. i will post pics and a followup when it gets here. i liked the idea of a remote switch. this way i will actually use it.

nick disjunkt

Here's how I did it:


Bus bar and isolator both from blue sea systems. I mounted them on blocks of nylon to make acccidental shorts to the chassis ground more difficult.

I have a tail-lift, starter motor/alternator, aux battery supply and voltage sensor all comming from the main batery and so it would have been too crowded on the isolator's post.

I mounted this on the inside of the chassis rail under the truck, right next to the battery box. I put it here to keep the wire runs as short as possible as the starter motor cable is 4/0 gauge (100mm2 ish). Having it there means unless someone gets under the truck whilst it is running (unlikely unless they are suicidal) it's not possible to disconnect the alternator from the battery with the engine running.

I used marine cable and components as it is rather exposed to the elements.


Simple, I use this one that most autoparts store just replaces the positive terminal...have one on my 66 storage for up to 6 months + and starts right up every time.
[ame=""] Top Post Battery Master Disconnect Switch: Automotive[/ame]


I'll second the marine switch. I've used them on several vehicles. Get the one that will handle dual batteries and has the alternator protection so it can be switched while the engine is running. Great for winching. You can winch on A battery and still have B battery in reserve for truck starting. 4 switch positions.
While you are at it you can get an insulated marine post that will handle several wires to put on the load side of the switch.
I also run Optima marine blue top batteries. they are deep cycle and have both automotive and marine terminal. Nice for hooking up accesories to.


New member
thanks just pulled the trigger on a brain. i will post pics and a followup when it gets here. i liked the idea of a remote switch. this way i will actually use it.

The battery is always dead in my Jeep when I go to drive it. Thanks to this thread that shouldn't be a problem anymore. Just pulled the trigger on a brain as well.

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